Chapter 58

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Xu Wen saw that Tang Wang was finally relieved in silence, so he didn't pay attention to Zhao Yue's ugly face beside him.

    Zhao Yue was Tang Wang who secretly went to find Xu Wen without telling Xu Wen. He was afraid that Xu Wen would be angry when he knew that he had done so, so he didn't dare to tell him. Seeing Xu Wen about to make a fool of himself, Zhao Yue plucked up the courage to grab Xu Wen's arm.

    "Brother Wen..." Zhao Yue said only half of his words, and paused because he saw Zhou Jiangxing's appearance.

    Tang Wang naturally held Zhou Jiangxing to introduce Xu Wen.

    "it's him."

    Seeing that Xu Wen didn't react, Tang Wang said again: "I am married to him. The senior has met him."

    The previous refreshment completely disappeared, Xu Wen's face sank for a while, and he didn't know how to answer the conversation, but he felt pain in his arm being grasped. He tilted his head to see Zhao Yue's face down.

.At the critical moment, it was useless. Xu Wen stopped looking at Zhao Yue. He put on a smirk and said congratulations.

    "Has the wedding been held, don't forget to send an invitation to the senior when you arrive."


    It was Zhou Jiangxing who answered the question, but his face was so arrogant that three words were written on his face, are you worthy?

    Tang Wang felt that in the past two days he could always hear someone asking him about the wedding, and he was robbed by Zhou Jiangxing as soon as he left the myth. He looked at Zhou Jiangxing with some surprise. The opponent's always indifferent eyes were joking at this time, and the corners of his mouth were curled with mockery. The usual indifferent and cold image was quite different.

    But I have to say that such Zhou Jiangxing was also handsome to his heart, and Tang Wang was unconsciously stunned.

    "Let's go, Dad is still waiting for us to go back to eat.".Zhou Jiangxing held Tang Wang's little dessert in one hand, and walked over in front of Xu Wen and Zhao Yue without squinting.

    Tang Wang stared at Zhou Jiangxing's subconsciously following his steps, and when he walked to the school gate, he suddenly remembered that he was planning to make a clear statement with Xu Wen.

    "Beauty misunderstood me." Tang Wang whispered and forced.

    "Tangtang, for this kind of person who is overconfident and lives only in his own mind, explanation is not the way to solve the problem." Zhou Jiangxing squeezed Tang Wang's hand, obviously he saw Tang Wang's initiative to talk with Xu Wen.

    Tang Wang thought carefully about what Zhou Jiangxing had said.

    "You mean it doesn't work, just just hit it?"

    "..." That's not necessary.

    In the car, Tang Wang was still thinking, Zhou Jiangxing bounced on Tang Wang's forehead.

    "Don't think about it, Dad and Dad are really waiting for us to go home for dinner."

.To celebrate the completion of Tang Wang's exam, Yu Yin specially assigned the class to cook with Tang Pingzhan and cooked Tang Wang a sumptuous dinner. On the dinner table, there were slices of boiled pork that Tang Wang hadn't eaten for a long time.

    Without reviewing the days, Tang Wang had a very comfortable life. After the study was vacated for Zhou Jiangxing, the basic people did not come out except to eat. Tang Wang knew that Zhou Jiangxing had to spare a day to cook for his roommates after rushing to work.

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