Chapter 37

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The tracker also met Zhou Jiangxing's assistant, and Tang Wang shook his head in embarrassment.

    He didn't know why he would follow up, listening to the other party's question and answering subconsciously.

    "I just want to ask him if he can get a discount here."

    "Yes, you take this card." With a gentle smile on Tao Heng's face, he took out a membership card and handed it to Tang Wang.

    "Then I'll go first, don't tell him that I am here." Tang Wang hurriedly walked towards the elevator after he finished speaking, with a hint of fleeing.

    Tao Heng was Zhou Jiangxing's assistant. After watching Tang Wang leave, he immediately went in and told his boss about the matter.

    Tang Wang went back to the restaurant on the second floor in a daze. Liao Yuanbin waited for a long time for fear of accidents. He came back when he wanted to find Tang Wang.

    "Tang Wang, are you okay?" Liao Yuanbin looked at Tang Wang in a daze and worried that he was unwell.

    "fine.".Tang Wang took out the membership card Tao Heng gave him, "You can get a discount at the checkout later."

    Tang Wang was absent-minded, and waited for a while to see no news from his mobile phone, thinking that Assistant Tao didn't tell Zhou Jiangxing that he was here. Fortunately Zhou Jiangxing didn't know anything, but Tang Wang was also inexplicably lost.

    Who are those two women? How could they know about Zhou Jiangxing's legs, and they seemed to have a lot of opinions on Zhou Jiangxing.

    Tang Wang’s message in the dialog box was written and deleted, and deleted and written. After eating, Tang Wang didn't think about how to write.

    "My girlfriend will be out in a while, and I will introduce you to you later." Liao Yuanbin took Tang Wang's card at the checkout discount, and each of them got a snack gift.

    "Okay." Tang Wang smelled the scent leaking from the box and wanted to eat it.

    While he was looking at the ingredient list, someone walked up to him silently.

."This can't be eaten and confiscated."

    The box in his hand was snatched away. Tang Wang subconsciously stretched out his hand to retrieve it, and turned his head and ran into Zhou Jiangxing's arms.

    The familiar smell lingered in his nose, and Tang Wang retreated from the other's arms and raised his head slightly.

    "Tao Heng said you are here." Zhou Jiangxing naturally embraced Tang Wang, creating an intimate appearance for outsiders.

    ? ?

    Don't say yes! Tang Wang put Tao Heng as untrustworthy in his heart.

    "" Liao Yuanbin looked incredulous as he saw the whole process.

    "Tang Wang...Is this the twin brother of Jinzhu's father?" The last time I saw him, he was still standing in a wheelchair and now standing in good health. Liao Yuanbin could only guess like this.

    "..." Tang Wang thought for a while and shook his head, "His legs are healed."

.The injury healed too quickly, Liao Yuanbin reluctantly accepted Tang Wang's statement, he pulled Tang Wang's arm.

    "What's your situation?"

    "I'm his boyfriend." Zhou Jiangxing replied before Tang Wang.

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