Chapter 12

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After taking the form, Tang Wang and Liao Yuanbin met, and the two of them took the two classmates together and went to the designated hospital for a physical examination.

    "After the physical examination, let's make an appointment for breakfast. I heard from the senior sister and senior that there is a soup dumpling next to the hospital that is very delicious."

    "Fine, I'm starving to death."

    After discussing a place to eat for a while, everyone split up to line up for each item.

    Tang Wang is in the height and weight category. Although the line is long but fast, Tang Wang, the girl in the front line, happens to meet the two of them while chatting and waiting. It is not too boring.

    This layer was basically contracted by the people of their department. At first glance, they were all familiar faces, and everyone lined up and talked about it naturally.

    "Didn't you see the prohibition on noise? Just keep your voice down!"

    The originally lively corridor immediately quieted down, and everyone shut up and looked at the vice-principal who came out of the examination room.

.Standing beside the team and waiting for a while, the vice principal walked into another examination room.

    Gradually everyone returned to the excitement, but they all consciously lowered their voices.

    "Unexpectedly, the teacher would also check up with us." The girl in front of Tang Wang said.

    "I remember that the teacher usually takes a physical examination alone, so why are you with us this time?" Tang Wang didn't pay much attention to the school's dynamics, and he didn't know much about the news.

    "It was said that a teacher was pregnant and was overworked and almost had a miscarriage. Another teacher was pregnant and almost had a miscarriage without knowing it. So the school organized a physical examination for the teacher in advance."

    It didn't take long for Tang Wang to see teachers from their department and teachers from other departments joining the medical examination team.

    After more than an hour of tossing, Tang Wang still has three projects. Fortunately, these teams are not long, and it is estimated that they will be over in ten minutes.

.The phone was shaking, and it was from Liao Yuanbin.

    "Tang Wang, how are you? We are all sitting in the shop!"

    "There is still half an hour." Tang Wang calculated that the time was a bit long, "You eat first, don't wait for me."

    "That's fine, but why are you so slow?"

    "Maybe it was too late to go to the toilet." Tang Wang didn't expect them to be so fast, enduring hunger to finish the next project.

    By the end of the physical examination, Tang Wang was too hungry to feel it.

    Remembering that when he didn’t eat, his newly-baked weight was six kilograms fatter than before. Tang Wang didn’t dare to eat more. He simply ate a pancake and then drank the soy milk that Dad in his pocket gave him. Down.

    The afternoon class was full. Tang Wang didn't go home after class, so he took his things to the gym.

    The length of personal training is the devil no matter how pleasing to the eye.

.Tang Wang collapsed on the ground and couldn't move halfway through his planned project.

    "Coach, my stomach hurts." Tang Wang's hair was sweaty, and sweat dripped from the tips of his hair into his eyes, so that Tang half-squinted his eyes and sucked cold breath.

[BL] After being Scumbed, I was Pregnant with the Boss's CubWhere stories live. Discover now