Chapter 19

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Tang Wang's training volume today is two-thirds of his usual amount. According to his physical strength, he should be able to complete it smoothly, but at the beginning of the anaerobic training, he only sat halfway through the training, and suddenly his stomach hurts.

    "What's the matter, the waist twisted?" The coach froze and asked eagerly when he saw Tang Wang's movements.

    "It's not... I have a stomachache..." The pain is exactly the same as the last time.

    The coach helped Tang Wang get down from the machine, and then helped him to sit down on the machine next to him.

    "You slowly drink some hot water first."

    After the coach finished speaking, Tang Wang was about to take the water cup, his black cup lid had been unscrewed and lifted in front of him.

    "Would you like to go to the hospital?" Zhou Jiangxing immediately moved over when Tang Wang was uncomfortable.

    "It's okay, just rest for a while." Tang Wang shook his head and felt that the problem was not big.

.Xu Wen was blocked by the coach at the meeting, and when the crowd dispersed, he unexpectedly found that he couldn't find his junior.

    At this time, Tang Wang was back to school accompanied by Zhou Jiangxing.

    "I can go back by myself, it's much better." Tang Wang looked at Zhou Jiangxing with his backpack on his lap, feeling embarrassed.

    "I am the boss of the gym and you are my member. Since you are uncomfortable in fitness, I have the responsibility to send you back." Zhou Jiangxing guarded the bag not to give Tang Wang the opportunity to take it away.

    It was all said that Tang Wang refused to let Zhou Jiangxing accompany him back to school.

    Along the way, Zhou Jiangxing attracted a lot of attention. Every time Tang Wang wanted to persuade people to go back, Zhou Jiangxing always knew his intention in advance and immediately operated the wheelchair a few steps forward, so that Tang Wang could only catch up.

.When he arrived at the dormitory building, Zhou Jiangxing was inconvenient because there was no elevator, and Tang Wang finally got his backpack back.

    "Thank you, go back soon."

    Saying goodbye to Zhou Jiangxing, Tang Wang slowly went upstairs and returned to the dormitory. Xia Miaomiao, who heard the sound of opening the door, was the first to look over.

    "You finished your fitness so soon?"

    "Tangtang, your face is so ugly, your coach's devilish level has been upgraded?"

    "It's okay, I came back early with a stomachache." Tang Wang explained that he went into the bathroom and took a hot bath. After coming out, his stomach became more comfortable and he lay back on the bed lazily.

    Xia Miaomiao and they looked at Tang Wang's appearance and went to their affairs with confidence.

    "Tangtang, a senior from your department named Xu Wen just added my friend as if he was looking for you. I said you were uncomfortable and came back." After a while, Xia Miaomiao remembered something and patted Tang Wang's bed.

.Tang Wanggang squinted and woke up when he heard the sound, and froze the phone out of his bag.

    There were several messages and missed calls on the phone. The call included Xu Wen and an unfamiliar number. Now there are too many ads harassing phone calls. Tang Wang didn’t pay attention. Out of courtesy, Tang Wang returned a call and gave Xu Wen an explanation.

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