Chapter 18

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On the second day after eating with Zhou Jiangxing, Tang Wang got up early and looked in the mirror, always feeling that his jaw was more fleshy.

    Xia Miaomiao and the others are unreliable, and they are gaining weight if they ask.

    Tang Wang moved his arms and was basically all right. After struggling all morning, he had an appointment with a personal trainer to work out at night.

    After class in the afternoon, Tang Wang and Liao Yuanbin went to get the courier together, and the gym clothes arrived.

    Tang Wang and his school's express delivery point is far away from the dormitory. It takes at least ten minutes to walk. Now the weather is not cool enough. Students like to accumulate a few and take them together.

    So when he heard that Tang Wang was going to get the courier, the dormitory group suddenly popped up a few pickup codes, all of which were collected by Tang Wang.

    "Tang Xuedi!"

    Passing by the basketball court, Xu Wen saw Tang Wang looking down at his mobile phone. He ran over and waved towards Tang Wang across the barbed wire.

    "Shall we eat together tonight?.I know that a Sichuan restaurant is very spicy! "

    "Senior, I have an appointment with a personal training to exercise." The Sichuan restaurant that I ate with Zhou Jiangxing yesterday ranked Nanbowan in Tang Wang's mind.

    "Then..." Xu Wen wanted to say something, and his friends who played basketball urged him to come back, "Okay, I'm going to play."

    Not far from the basketball court, we arrived at the express delivery point. Tang Wang and Liao Yuanbin walked back slowly, holding a stack of express delivery.

    There were a lot of people leaving get out of class at this point. When they passed the basketball court again, there were many people sitting on the steps. There were also a few boys and girls who gave water to the seniors who played basketball.

    "Why don't I have water for me when I play basketball." Liao Yuanbin sighed, "Will you come back to the friendship with the management department? Not only have I heard of beautiful women, there are also several seniors, one is more handsome than the other."

    Hearing that there is a handsome man Tang Wang promised very decisively.


.I don't know which person's express delivery is particularly heavy, and Tang Wang moved back to the dormitory all the way to his arm and felt uncomfortable.

    "Thanks Tangtang!" Xia Miaomiao jumped out of bed cheering and took his express.

    After dividing the express delivery, Tang Wang found the owner of the heavy express delivery.

    "Tangtang, don't talk, I know what you are going to say. I know that my express delivery is heavy, so in order to reward you, I went to the girls in my class and borrowed the internet celebrity hair dryer, thousands of them!" Zhong Shen held the hair dryer. In front of Tang Wang, "Guaranteed to blow dry in the shortest time!"

    Tang Wang rushed to work out. The new workout clothes had to be washed and then dried. Time was tight. Zhong Shen consciously contracted the work of blowing clothes.

    In the evening, with fifteen minutes left before the agreed time, Tang Wang set off from the dormitory wearing a newly bought gym suit and carrying a bag.

    Tang Wang next to the flower bed downstairs saw Xu Wen, who was dressed almost like him.

."Xuedi Tang! Go to the gym? Let's chant!" Xu Wen's bag was printed with the logo of the gym where Tang Wang went to.

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