Chapter 24

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Tang Wang didn't sleep much one night. When his roommate was asleep, he was holding a bag of raisins and eating while thinking about things.

    I was thinking that Tang Wang wanted to drive, and the matter has come to bed early and go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow. He will give birth to his own baby. When the report comes out, he will tell Zhou Jiangxing that he will raise it by himself.

    After thinking about it, the overwhelming sleepiness swept over, and Tang Wang quickly fell asleep. From the faintly shining light outside the window, it can be seen that the time is late.

    It didn't take long for the alarms to ring one after another in the dormitory.

    The three of Xia Miaomiao got up one after another, inevitably waking up a little bit too much, Tang Wang just fell asleep.

    "Breakfast together, Tangtang." Xia Miaomiao was not in a hurry to get up early, and there was still time to eat a few of Tang Wang's raisins.

    "Don't eat, I just went to sleep." Tang Wang muttered, turning over and continuing to sleep.

.Xia Miaomiao and Xiao Qiwang looked at each other.

    "Tangtang came back from the friendship yesterday, and it seems that she is not in a good mood." Xia Miaomiao lay on Xiao Qiwang's bed and said in a low voice, looking at the other party.

    "Well, ask him when he eats at noon, let him sleep first."

    The two negotiated to pull Zhong Shen, who is prone to make noise, out of the dormitory together.

    Xia Miaomiao and their class ended early, and they went to the German department to wait for Tang Wang after the class. When the three of them arrived in his classroom, they were told that Tang Wang hadn't come to class at all.

    At this time, Tang Wang was undergoing an examination in the hospital. Originally, he wanted to wait for Dad to come back and go to Dad’s hospital to rest assured, but in the morning he received a call from the hospital asking when he would come for the examination, and signed a confidentiality agreement with the hospital by the way.

    It's normal for my little dad to often not be able to contact people when traveling. Tang Wang was worried that he had tossed up some time ago and thought about it or went to the medical examination hospital first.

.Tang Wangyi went to the hospital to receive his old doctor and introduced himself as the vice president of the hospital.

    The deputy dean took Tang Wang to the office and took out a non-disclosure agreement. Tang Wang had a good friend in the law department. He photographed the agreement and obliterated the part about his privacy and asked.

    My friend quickly showed it to the teacher. Tang Wang signed his name after receiving a no-question answer.

    "Don’t worry, student Tang, our director of gynecology department has rich experience. The new deputy director encountered the same case abroad. The man later successfully gave birth to a healthy baby." The deputy dean remained kind throughout the entire process. Smile, from time to time to explain Tang Wang a few words.

    Although I don't know why the hospital attaches so much importance to him, Tang Wang did not worry so much after listening to the vice president.

.The examination was carried out by the deputy director of gynecology with foreign experience. During the examination, Tang Wang kindly told him some common sense about the pregnant husband.

    After a comprehensive examination, Tang Wang left the hospital, and his father called on the way back to school.

    It turned out that the two people accidentally lost their mobile phone bags by the little dad, and they just went to buy the mobile phone for the replacement card today.

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