Chapter 47

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In the end, Tang Wang didn't kiss or drank the half bowl of soup. The pile of street stalls were used as samples for Zhou Jiangxing's study.

    On the day of the birthday banquet, Tang Wang recovered from his cold. Although Zhou Jiangxing agreed to go there, he did not say when, so Zhou Jiangxing went back to his old house during the day and waited for the dinner to pick him up.

    During the day, Tang Wang kept up his energy at home to prepare for the birthday party in the evening. After lunch, the modified dress was sent over. After Tang Wang was full, the waist circumference was not tight when he was full, and it was much more comfortable than when he tried it last night. .

    At six o'clock in the evening, Zhou Jiangxing came to pick up Tang Wang on time. There was a red luxury car parked downstairs that Tang Wang had never seen before. Zhou Jiangxing was standing by the car waiting for him.

    "Hello sister-in-law!"

    Before they could talk, the one sitting in the car greeted them first.

    Tang Wang looked at the window of the car. There was a young man sitting in the co-pilot. His eyebrows were unexpectedly similar to those of Zhou Jiangxing.

."My cousin Zhou Cang." Zhou Jiangxing took the initiative to introduce Tang Wang, "Some noisy children."

    Listening to Zhou Jiangxing's relaxed tone, it seemed that the two had a good relationship, so Tang Wang smiled and called his cousin.

    "Sister-in-law, let's go quickly. It's hard to get in the car when it's late." Zhou Cang has a wheaten complexion. He will show two small tiger teeth when he laughs. The bright and black eyes are a look that is easy to make people feel good.

    Tang Wang and Zhou Jiangxing went to the back seat together, and as soon as they sat down, they received a snack from Zhou Cang.

    "Sister-in-law, I brought some special products on a trip before. This one is really delicious."

    What Zhou Cang gave was dried squid packaging. Tang Wang had seen it. Xiao Dad and Dad also brought this kind when they came back from a trip. It seems that Zhou Cang happened to go to the same place with Dad and Dad.

    "Do you want to eat Tangtang?" Zhou Jiangxing was not sure how Tang Wang felt about seafood now.

."I want to eat." After Tang Wang opened it, he smelled the smell of squid that he had never been interested in, and he felt very fragrant.

    Zhou Cang had never seen his brother so gentle, twisting and staring straight at them with novelty.

    Tang Wang ate a little bit at home, and while Zhou Jiangxing was away, he took out the chicken wing wrapped rice that he didn't have time to eat yesterday and secretly ate half of it, so he restrained himself from taking a few bites of the dried squid.

    "If something happens, I'm not by your side, Zhou Cang will follow you." Zhou Jiangxing made arrangements just in case, he still told Tang Wang a few words.

    "Sister-in-law, don't look at me like this. I'm the second high school bully sports student can't beat me." Zhou Cang shaved a small flat head and deliberately trimmed a broken eyebrow, and the eyebrows are similar to Zhou Jiangxing. People have a fierce feeling.

    "..." Tang Wang had a question, "How old are you, cousin?"

    "Seventeen! .He will be an adult in three months! "Zhou Cang smiled with two small teeth.

    Zhou Cang was wearing a gray plaid suit, and his age was completely different from his actual age. Tang Wang thought that the other party was about the same age as himself, but he did not expect to be an adult.

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