Chapter 36

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Zhou Jiangxing’s apartment is not as deserted as Tang Wang imagined. The warm-toned wallpaper makes the whole house very warm.

    After drinking the white fungus and lotus seed soup, Tang Wang stood at the door of the room with a sound, Zhou Jiangxing was squatting on the ground to pack his luggage.

    The bright light shone on Zhou Jiangxing's side face, his half-closed eyes revealed soft colors, and the raised corners of his mouth revealed a man's good mood.

    Tang Wang's heart trembles, his fingers buckled the door frame, his heart swelled, the sweetness of the bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup spread in his heart, and he unconsciously watched it like this.

    "It's better to sleep on a harder mattress when you are pregnant. How about trying Tangtang." Zhou Jiangxing noticed Tang Wang at the door early in the morning. He didn't speak until he didn't open his mouth. He didn't ask until he packed his suitcase.

    Tang Wang regained his senses and walked to the side of the bed to lie down. The mattress was harder than the family's but not uncomfortable.

    "I don't recognize the bed,"

.Apart from the basic furniture, there is no trace of living in the bedroom. Only the books Tang Wang brought from home were placed on the huge bookshelf.

    "My room is opposite you. Call me whenever you need to." Zhou Jiangxing put away the empty suitcases, and didn't deliberately arrange a room to sleep together while people were living in him.

    After the door closed, Tang Wang lay quietly on the bed. The unfamiliar environment did not make him uncomfortable. The freshly washed bed linen and quilt cover and the laundry detergent commonly used at home were a fragrance. The familiar smell made Tang Wang very relaxed.

    After taking a shower and talking on the phone with my little dad, Tang Wang spent the first night after getting married in Zhou Jiangxing.

    The harder mattress did not affect Tang Wang's sleep. There was no dream all night. When Tang Wang woke up to welcome the new day, he subconsciously thought he was at his own home.

    When he saw the strange chandelier above his head, Tang Wang remembered that he was in Zhoujiang's house.

.I don't know if the soundproofing of the room is good or the outside is quiet, the room is quiet as if no one is at home.

    After washing and changing clothes, Tang Wang went out. The door to the opposite room was open. Tang Wang saw the man sitting at the desk working at a glance.

    The man is still wearing gray pajamas, and his hair is not as neat and tidy as usual, but a little messy, which adds a bit of laziness to the man.

    "How are you sleeping?" After Zhou Jiangxing finished typing on the keyboard, he looked up at Tang Wang outside the door.

    "Very good." Tang Wang answered honestly.

    "Eat first, I'm going to lay down the noodles." Zhou Jiangxing put aside his work, got up and walked in front of Tang Wang, couldn't help but rubbed the top of his head and took someone to sit at the dinner table.

    "This is Aunt Yang."

    Zhou Jiangxing said that Aunt Yang is some fat aunt picking vegetables in the kitchen.

.Tang Wang said hello to the other party, and harvested the hard-boiled eggs that Zhou Jiangxing had peeled for him.

    The kitchen is very large and has everything available. Tang Wang saw that the noodles under Zhou Jiang's trip were rolled by hand, and there was still a pool of flour and fist-sized dough left on the chopping board.

[BL] After being Scumbed, I was Pregnant with the Boss's CubWhere stories live. Discover now