Chapter 39

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Tang Wang didn't get Zhou Jiangxing's answer, and after following the past, he finally knew which male god he was.

    It was Qi He who signed his slippers.

    The road show was crowded with many people in the mall and it was not safe for Tang Wang. He thought about it and made a decision on his way there in the afternoon.

    "Why don't you go and see it." Tang Wang's hands on his stomach meant it was self-evident.

    Zhou Jiangxing was still immersed in Tang Wang's sentence which male god, listening to him said that, his heart felt a little more comfortable. At least the two of them are more important than watching the male god.

    Tang Wang shut up when he saw Zhou Jiangxing's unpredictable smile. Since this person invited him, he would definitely handle it.

    Sure enough, after Tang Wang arrived, he gained the VIP position for the first time in his life.

    Tang Wang sat there silently, listening to the organizer with a mouthful of Manager Tang in his ear, trying not to make himself laugh.

.In this row, the sponsors are the sponsor fathers. The welfare of the sponsor fathers is naturally the best. So Tang Wang sits in the first row, and even the seat comfort is higher than the normal position at the back. .

    Everyone has a product brand in front of their identity, and fans will not be dissatisfied.

    Soon Tang Wang saw his male god, and wanted to scream with the fans when he was excited, but this row was full of Gao Leng Fan Tang Wang and he restrained it.

    "My male god is so handsome!!" Tang Wang screamed frantically, and subconsciously grabbed Zhou Jiangxing's hand.

    The two of them looked at each other and blinked excitedly, then looked at the stage, and suddenly it seemed that the male god was disoriented.

    "..." Zhou Jiangxing's face was too slapped, and the male god was not fragrant in comparison.

    Tang Wang touched his pocket and found out the mask he had put on before going out.

.So all fans can see a man wearing a black mask and sunglasses in his seat, speculating whether it is a mysterious guest.

    Tang Wangxing enthusiastically watched the male god road show and was about to sign his signature, and left contentedly.

    The male god's eyes are so big! The male god has good skin! The male god is still white!

    Looking at Zhou Jiangxing holding hands, except for Nobody White, the others are above the male gods.

    Tang Wang suddenly felt that the fan gods are not as good as fan Zhou Jiangxing, and they can meet every day, eat the food each other’s hands cook every day, and hold hands with him.

    Tang Wang felt that his thoughts were very dangerous, so he quickly glanced at the lock screen, his male gods were also very fragrant.

    "Replacement?" Zhou Jiangxing, who was always paying attention to Tang Wang's lock screen, saw a different picture of the man with his eyes sharply.

    "Well, it was from the recent draft picks.".In addition to studying to sleep at home, Tang Wang also watched variety shows. "He dances very handsomely."

    "..." Zhou Jiangxing, who doesn't know how to dance, was thinking about how to reduce Tang Wang's mobile phone time.

    The two went home after buying vegetables together. Tang Wang was exhausted today. He went to bed and fell asleep as soon as he got home and changed his clothes.

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