Chapter 4

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As soon as Tang Wang got out of the room, he saw his dad in the hallway hugging his little dad and kissing him intimately.

    The two have always been in a good relationship, so Tang Wang went to the kitchen to turn off the stew. When he came out, Dad had put on slippers, and the suitcase was being pulled by Dad.

    "Lean." Tang Pingzhan was wearing a normal white shirt and black trousers, and a pair of thin-rimmed glasses was placed on the bridge of his nose. The long journey did not stain his face a trace of fatigue.

    Don't look at Tang Pingzhan, a scholarly gentleman. When Tang Wang was watched by his eldest father when he was a child, he was always afraid of no reason, even if the other party only cared about him.

    Now that he is older, he won't be anymore. But he had a one-night stand with the two behind his back, and his heart was very guilty, and he was afraid of being so frightened. Tang Wang was okay with his little dad. He couldn't help shivering when he opened his mouth to his dad, and he could only nod his head without speaking.

."At a young age, I can still have fun when I go out to play. I need to exercise more." Tang Pingzhan learned of Tang Wang’s breakup from his lover. Son's shoulders.

    "Brought you a present."

    "Thank you dad!"

    Don Wang was completely relieved as he watched the back of his dad back to the room, and hurriedly arranged the dishes and chopsticks while the fathers were too tired of closing the room.

    The family ate dinner harmoniously, and Tang Wang went back to his room to continue copying his notes. His eldest dad doesn't like to travel. This time he couldn't push it out and he went out for more than a week. The husband and wife must think of each other very well. He knew not to go out to be a light bulb.

    It was not easy to make up the notes for several days. Tang Wang kept writing until the early morning. He stretched his waist and looked at the bedside. How many of them were Tang Wang and the two adult men standing behind him when he was a teenager. Points are similar.

.Wipe clean the ash on the photo frame with a tissue, Tang Wang touched the big dad and the little dad on it.

    Thanks to Dad and Dad for giving him a warm home, Tang Wang smiled and turned off the lamp to enter a beautiful dream.

    In the dream, Tang Wang beat the group of children who laughed at his father's illness and cried and begged for mercy. After returning home, his gentle father gave him medicine. When Dad came back, the parents brought the child who was injured by him to the house to settle accounts. Tang Wang was guarded by Dad and looked at the group of parents stubbornly.

    One of the men was tall and handsome, with the face of Zhou Jiangxing, not only able to stand normally, but also holding a little boy who looked like him eighth.

    "Why do you even beat the son of your own birth?" The subwoofer that still made his legs weak, but the content was frightening.

    Tang Wang woke up cleverly, he gasped and looked at the white wall above his head: "What the hell?"

.The sun shines into the room through the curtains, and casts it on Tang Wang's gray quilt. He stretched his hand into the sun, and the warmth dispelled the shock that the bizarre dream had brought him.

    "Looking at big dad and little dad, I got retribution." Tang Wang sat on the bed and touched the sweat on his forehead. He recalled that night when he saw that he didn't wear a cover, Zhou Jiangxing was inconvenient but full of energy. The two of them did it. I moved so many times that my waist was almost broken.

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