Chapter 34

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After coming back from the supermarket, Tang Wang lay back on the sofa. He turned his eyes to the back of the sofa and closed his eyes.

    Tang Wang couldn't help but opened his eyes and rolled over. The kitchen door was only half opened, and Zhou Jiangxing's tall figure was reflected in Tang Wang's eyes.

    The man was wearing a gray apron with loose belts on both sides, only the waist line under the loose clothes could be seen faintly.

    Tang Wang looked at this picture and asked if his eldest dad was also busy in the kitchen when his little dad was pregnant with him.

    Zhou Jiangxing's skillful knife skills amazed Tang Wang. He never thought that someone would cut vegetables like his little dad, quickly and beautifully.

    He began to look forward to Zhou Jiangxing's cooking skills.

    After a short nap, Tang Wangmeng's pillow was taken away. Something stuck to his face. Tang Wang patted with his hand and caught a wet hand.

    "Tang Tang has eaten." .Zhou Jiangxing took advantage of Tang Wang's unconsciousness and wiped the water marks on his face, pretending that nothing happened.

    When Tang Wang woke up, Zhou Jiangxing had already wiped his hands and didn't find any evidence for him.

    Zhou Jiangxing's cooking posture is very professional, the dishes he cooks are not as good as his father's craftsmanship, but it also surprises Tang Wang.

    The person in front of him is always invisible, and every cell in his body is attracting Tang Wang to approach him.

    After eating, Zhou Jiangxing carefully asked Tang Wang’s suggestions for improvement, and then recorded it in the notepad on his phone. Tang Wang took a peek at it and memorized many recipes.

    Zhou Jiangxing has been answering the phone in the afternoon, looking very busy. Tang Wang had the habit of sleeping in the afternoon before Zhou Jiangxing soaked him a glass of honey lemonade and left.

    Tang Wang hadn't slept for how long the phone vibrated in his ear, waking him up, it was Xia Miaomiao who called.

    "Tangtang, we are going to dig the soil again." .Xia Miaomiao cried, "I will leave the day after tomorrow, so we want to go and see you."

    "I'm at home, come on."

    "Xu Xuechang didn't know where to find out yesterday that we wanted to go to you, want to see you with us, can you see you?"

    Tang Wang was silent for a moment, feeling that it would not be good to keep going like this.

    "Miaomiao, do me a favor."

    Tang Wangtuo Xia Miaomiao and they deliberately said in front of Xu Wen that they were in love, so Xu Wen should no longer be interested in him.

    After hanging up the phone, Tang Wang didn't go back to sleep, got up and tidied up the house, and told his father that he would order pizza in the evening to take care of them.

    After a while, Xia Miaomiao’s message came over.

    [Xia Miaomiao: Senior Xu Wen asked who your boyfriend is...]

    [Xia Miaomiao: If you didn't say anything, I just said casually that it was that handsome man in a wheelchair. 】

.[Xia Miaomiao: Senior Xu Wen doesn't look very happy, but he shouldn't be entangled anymore. 】

    Tang Wang breathed a sigh of relief and sent a nicely done emoji to Xia Miaomiao.

    Forty minutes later, when people arrived, Tang Wang contributed his own snacks and made honey lemonade with Zhou Jiangxing.

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