Chapter 67

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Tang Wang secretly replaced the background of his chat page with Zhou Jiangxing with the one that was secretly photographed by Zhou Jiangxing applying the facial mask. Tang Wang couldn't help but raise his mouth every time he opened the dialog between the two of them.

    The weather is getting colder and colder, and the trees in the community are only bare branches. Tang Wang is particularly afraid of the cold and stays in the heated house all day long this year, and he is unwilling to even go out to take out the garbage.

    "Tangtang, your courier." Zhou Jiangxing came back from the company, and his whole body was chilled as soon as he entered the door. Tang Wang rushed to Zhou Jiangxing's embrace and stepped back.

    Zhou Jiangxing took off his heavy coat and opened his hand towards Tang Wang.

    The black sweater was soft and warm, and it was full of the atmosphere of Zhou Jiangxing. Tang Wang hugged Zhou Jiangxing and kissed them very restrainedly.

    "I bought an invincible and handsome jacket.".As Tang Wang opened the express, he said that this co-branded dress was secretly snatched by him with Zhou Jiangxing on his back in the middle of the night.

    "Want to go out?" Zhou Jiangxing was always worried about people running out, but now he can't wait for Tangtang to go out for a walk. Since he took the initiative to buy a coat, it shouldn't be difficult to coax Tangtang out for a walk.

    Zhou Jiangxing's thoughts were too good for Tang Wang to take out a windbreaker that was obviously one size larger.

    "Try it?" Tang Wang blinked towards Zhou Jiangxing with his windbreaker in his eyes.

    The pure black windbreaker has details on the buttons and cuffs. The pattern on it is a bit strange but not ugly.

    "Bought it for me?"

    Tang Wang nodded: "I'm lazy to get out of the door, so I'm very satisfied when you wear it."

    Invincible handsome clothes match invincible handsome people, absolutely.


.Zhou Jiangxing put on the clothes and became a model for Tang Wang. After Tang Wang had taken enough shots, he took the clothes and tried it on himself. The clothes were a bit big but Tang Wang's face was not ugly there.

    It was Zhou Jiangxing’s turn to take photos of Tang Wang. He was standing next to the display cabinet. Inside were the models and puzzles he had put together. Behind these things were the signatures of the male gods that Tang Wang secretly hid in the drawer. They all appreciate when Zhou Jiangxing is away, to prevent someone from being jealous.

    "Have you taken the picture? Send it to my little dad and dad!" Tang Wang went up and looked at his photo, "You take this acne off."

    Tang Wang has eaten more spicy food recently. In addition, he woke up in the middle of the night to grab clothes and didn't sleep well, so he had a acne on his face. Zhou Jiangxing was also busy with an acne, but the acne only left a light trace the next day after applying the mask. Now Zhou Jiangxing's face is still handsome and his legs are soft, but the acne on his face is getting worse. Come bigger.

."Being known by my little dad that I would have acne after eating spicy food, it would make me avoid it." Zhou Jiangxing was not proficient in the mobile phone p-picture business, and Tang Wang grabbed the mobile phone to do it himself.

    Zhou Jiangxing sat on a chair beside him, and Tang Wang sat on his lap. Zhou Jiangxing hugged Tang Wang on his back, leaning close to his face and watching Tang Wang operate, learning and learning this skill.

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