Part 1

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I had officially lost myself. There was no going back after this and I'm not sure I even wanted to go back. Standing in a room full of dead bodies, iron was the only thing I could smell. But I was free. Finally after years of torture, no one was in control over me and it felt good. Wiping the blood off of my katana I put it in the sheath on my back and walked out of the meeting room. No one was ever gonna control me again, and I would make sure of that...

"What about security footage?" Fury asked the team as they were standing in the doorway of the meeting room. There was blood splatter covering every surface in the room and bodies were being packed up.

"It was a girl, from what we could see. She came in, killed them all with a sword, and left." Tony summarized.

Fury quickly turned to him. "What kind of sword?"

"I don't know, like a katana?"

"Show me." There was no room to argue with him so Tony pulled out a tablet and zoomed in on the blade.

Fury sighed before rubbing his forehead. "Poison."

Clint scrunched his eyebrows, making a confused expression. "They were clearly killed by a blade."

"No, I'm talking about the person. Her code name is poison because of her poison blade. Her real name is Y/N Y/L/N. Create a search for her and bring her in alive." Fury said before walking out of the room.

Bucky and Natasha shared a look that no one else could understand. They both recognized the name, and they were gonna make sure nothing bad happened to her.

An old rundown cabin in the woods. I checked the pantry and found a bunch of canned foods. Luckily they all seemed to be within the expiration date so I took a can of mushroom soup into the small kitchen. I heated up the soup while looking out the window. The forest seemed so peaceful, and unknowing of the monster currently living in it. Grabbing a bowl of soup, I sat down and started eating it. There was really nothing to do when you were on the run, or at least nothing fun. Was killing fun? I wondered. No. I'm not that crazy. Now that was more a hope than a fact.

With everything that has happened I probably should be crazy. After seeing that many dead people I don't deserve to be sane. They made me into this. They made me a killer. But I guess that backfired because now that they're all dead. Killed with skills they taught me.

I let out a chuckle at that, it was truly ironic how much they messed up. They made me too powerful. With all the injections, experiments and training, how could they ever think they would be able to control me?

The soup had turned cold so I grabbed it and went into the kitchen to wash up. Looking back out at the forest, something seemed off. It was like the peacefulness was gone and was replaced with fear. Like they were warning me of something. Before I could duck, the window broke and glass shards were cutting my face. I felt something in my neck and ripped it out only to see a tranquilizer dart. I looked back out and saw his face. Nick fury, was my last thought before I fell to the ground and everything around me faded to black...

Waking up was extremely uncomfortable. My body ached and my head was throbbing. I sat up the best I could and pried my eyes open and looked around me. I was in a glass circle, lying on a small bed in the middle of it.

"Good, you're awake."

I looked towards the owner of the voice and glared at him. "Fury."

"So you know murder is illegal right?" he asked.

I scoffed and looked away. "Then why did you make me do it for years?"

"I didn't know Y/N." he sighed. "If I had known at the time that shield was infiltrated by hydra i would have gotten you out of the program."

"What program?" asked a voice behind Fury. Tony Stark.

"None of your business." I answered snarkily.

"I brought you in because I have an offer for you Y/N." Fury stated.

"What kind of offer?"

"You join the Avengers and I get rid of all the charges on you."

What the hell? "Or maybe I just get out of here and you'll never find me."

"Do you really want to be on the run forever because of what they did to you?"

I thought about it. With this I could actually be free and start over. A fresh start, and it was extremely tempting. "And if I refuse?"

"Then you'll be sent to the raft." Now that wasn't tempting at all.

I sighed and gave up. "Fine."

"Great. You'll be living here at the Avengers compound with the team, but you'll have rules. If you break any of these rules you're going straight to the raft. This is your second chance Y/N, so don't waste it." The cell opened and I walked out, my hands still handcuffed.

"I'll show you to the others." Tony said and led me to an elevator. "So why won't you tell me about the program?"

I stepped inside and turned around to stare at the door. "As I previously said, it's none of your business."

"You're a tough one to crack aren't you?"

I shrugged. "You could say that."

The elevator dinged and we walked out into a common room. There were a bunch of people sitting on different couches that looked up once we stood in front of them.

"This is Poison. Fury put her on the team."

"Y/N." Natasha said as she saw me, and I recognized her immediately.

"Natalia. Good to see you." I said emotionless.

"Well we should get these handcuffs off." Tony said and turned to me, but before he could do anything I raised my hands and the cuffs fell to the ground, smoking. I looked around and saw the team looking at me with wide eyes, except for the winter soldier and Natalia. I made eye contact with James as I recognized him too, but his eyes looked different. It was like they had color and life in them now.

"How did you do that?" A blond said.

"Steven I'm guessing?" When he nodded I continued. "I overheated them. Pretty simple."

"She takes energy from around her and turns it into whatever form she desires, like in this case, heat."

"10 points for Natalia." I said sarcastically.

"It's Natasha now."

I chuckled. "Of course it is. Never could hold on to one identity for too long could you?"

"That was before. I'm different now and Natasha Romanoff is my only identity."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't really care. I'm only here so I don't get sent to the raft, not to make friends."

A girl with red/brown hair decided to speak up. "But it probably would be more fun to be here with friends. I'm Wanda."

"I'm not looking for fun, I'm looking for survival." I said. "Now can someone show me to my room?"

James stood up at that. "I'll do it."

I rolled my eyes before doing a "lead the way" motion. He started walking towards a hallway and I followed.

"So Poison, how have you been?" he asked awkwardly.

"No small talk." was all I answered with.

"I'm sorry, I should have looked for you once I got out of hydra."

"I didn't expect you to even remember me." I mumbled.

"Of course I remembered you. We didn't talk much the few times I had to visit the program but I noticed you every time." he said sincerely.

I didn't do well with emotion so I shut down. "Just fucking show me my room and leave!"

He gave me a small nod before pointing at the door that was apparently my room. I opened the door, walked in and slammed it shut behind me. Both Natalia and James were here, and I was just trying to get rid of my past and have a new start, but turns out that was going to be harder than I thought with those two constant reminders.

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now