Part 14

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Readers pov:

This time I woke up and I had no doubt where I was. I was in a standing position with my arms and legs strapped to a flat surface, which I assumed was a surgical table. There was a strap over my stomach and one around my neck too, making it harder to breathe as it was digging into my neck. I tried to wiggle my arms free, then I tried to use my powers, but nothing worked. I gave up struggling and just leaned my head back. After almost an hour I heard the door open and close but I kept my eyes shut.

"It seems I was wrong." I stayed silent as Andrew kept going. "Your friends are actually looking for you."

At that my eyes shot open and I stared at him. "What?" I whispered.

"So we're gonna do this quickly." he clapped his hands together before walking towards me.

"Do what?" I asked slowly.

He just grinned at me before walking over to a table in the room and grabbing something with his back turned to me. He walked back with his hands behind him and stood in front of me. Once again he grinned before pulling out the item and holding it up for me to see. It was a shiny combat knife, one that I immediately recognised as the first one I ever made. Fear filled my body as I knew where he was going with this.

"So you know what this is huh?" he smirked before inspecting the knife. "This blade is drenched in a little thing called botulinum. Are you familiar?"

I took in a shaky breath before shaking my head. "Please don't..."

"Oh no no, no begging. You're going to feel what I felt." He put the knife against my bare stomach as all I was wearing was a sports bra and some skin tight shorts, obviously to free up skin to place cuts. I felt the knife digging into my stomach, but not hard enough to pierce through yet. "You scared Y/N?"

"No." I whimpered.

He chuckled. "That was really convincing." he put some more pressure on the knife. "Give me information about Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes and I might stop."

I looked at his face. "Why?"

"The super soldier serum you have isn't exactly optimal. You have about half the effect that they have. I want to create an even better serum than what they have but how can I do that when all I have accomplished is 50%?"

"I don't have anything on them that would help you."

"Oh I think you do. How often do they eat, and how much? How long can they train for, how often do they take blood tests, how long do they sleep. Tell me anything."

I shook my head. "I don't know anything."

I screamed as the blade finally pierced my skin, making a drop of blood drip down my stomach. Immediate pain filled my body as the poison entered my bloodstream.

"Are you sure about that, sweet pea?" I grit my teeth together as he pulled the knife out. "Answer me." The knife was placed further up on my abdomen.

I shook my head, and once again started screaming as he sliced the blade across. He put the knife on my upper arm and spoke, "this is a fast working poison, Y/N. I suggest you start speaking now."

"I don't know anything-" the blade was dragged down my arm and blood seeped out and dripped onto the floor. "STOP!"

"You know how to stop me." he dragged the blade down my other arm before placing it on my chest.

"I. don't. KNOW ANYTHING!" I yelled.

He sighed. "Wrong answer." He cut all the way over my chest and blood poured out and down my body. I screamed in agony as I felt both the pain of the cuts as well as the poison. "Now tell me wh-"

He was quickly interrupted as the door was blown up and iron man stepped into the room. "I think you've had enough quality time with Y/N."

Once again I screamed as he stabbed the knife into my stomach and left it there as he ran behind the table. I was strapped too.

"Oh no you don't!" Tony yelled before flying after him. I looked back at the door and saw Yelena and Bucky standing there before they ran to me. My head felt heavy and I couldn't hold it up any longer as my entire body felt limp. Everything around me sounded muffled and so far away. I felt the handcuffs around my wrists and feet fall off and then the ones around my stomach and neck. My body fell into Bucky's arms as he carefully picked me up and held me bridal style, being careful of the knife still lodged in me.

I could feel him place a kiss on my forehead and whisper, "it's okay, I've got you." before carrying me out of the room. After walking down a hallway I heard Steve yell my name as he ran towards Bucky and I. He pushed some hair out of my face before placing his hand on my cheek and rubbing it with his thumb. I slowly opened my eyes and gave a small smile to both of them.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." Steve said before nodding his head towards the exit.

They took me to the quin jet where I was laid down onto the floor on a stretcher. My vision was blurry but I could make out Natasha and Wanda's figures sitting besides me and leaning over to inspect my wounds.

"Y/N, can you hear me?" I heard Natasha say. I slowly nodded before closing my eyes again. I felt a kiss be placed on my forehead again and this time I saw Steve when my eyes opened slightly.

"We need you to stay awake, doll." he smiled.

I coughed before mustering up enough energy to speak. "There's no point..."

His smile dropped as he scanned my face. "Why? You're going to be ok, don't worry."

I carefully shook my head. "I won't be. Botulinum."

I could see everyone looking at me scared at this so I continued. "That blade," I pointed to my stomach. "It's full of it. I don't have the antidote."

Bucky sat down on the other side of me before slowly caressing my face. "Well get it when we're back at the compound."

Once again I shook my head and tears filled both his and Steve's eyes. "The poison works too fast." I took in a shaky breath before almost whimpering, "I'm sorry." My eyes began to feel heavy again and I tried my best to keep them open but eventually I lost the battle and shut them. I could feel Bucky trying to slightly shake me and repeatedly telling me to stay awake but I didn't have enough energy to do so.

"Please Y/N, don't do this." Steve whispered.

There was nothing I could do now. The poison was running through my entire body and it was so incredibly painful that I didn't even want to fight to stay alive. I could hear Tony come into the quin jet and we slowly took off into the air, with the two other super soldiers still trying to keep me awake. I was so tired and in so much pain I just wanted it to end. And I figured hearing Bucky and Steves voices would be a pretty good way to go. I felt my toes slowly go numb and the feeling spread up my legs and thighs.

"Hey..." I quietly whispered.

I heard Bucky sniffle a little before he leant down closer to my face. "Hey there, princess."

"Can I go to sleep now please...?"

"No, you can sleep later okay? Right now you need to stay awake."

"I'm so tired..."

Steve grabbed my hand before leaning down, same as bucky. "We know, but please just stay here with us and then you can get some rest later."

At this point my entire stomach was numb and slowly the feeling in my arms went away as all I could feel was my head now. "I wish I had more time with you both..."

"There is a bunch of time left for us, don't worry." he spoke shakily and kissed my nose.

My breathing slowed down and my face started to lose feeling. I tried my best to speak but no words came out and I couldn't even hear anything anymore. I couldn't feel and I couldn't hear, I felt so trapped in my own mind. I slowly fell into darkness as numbness was all I felt. I was glad that the last thing I could hear, feel and see was the two boys I truly wished I had been granted more time with...

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now