part 11

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When we woke up the next morning we were all huddled together on nat's bed. I slowly sat up and groaned as a feeling I had absolutely not missed suddenly came. A hangover. My head hurt and the sun was just shining rudely at my eyes. I shut my eyes and rubbed my head as I sighed and just sat still for a few minutes, until I felt movement and more groans followed from the two sisters.

"Oh god, who turned on the sun?" Yelena complained.

"Why did we drink so much!" I sighed and fell back down on the bed, quickly regretting it as my head started throbbing. "Ouchh..."

We eventually got out of bed and we all headed to the kitchen like zombies. Natasha immediately headed for the coffee machine to make us all some. We waited impatiently for the hot drink to brew, and once it finally did, all three of us grabbed a cup. I was nursing the beverage in my hands when Tony entered the room.

"Morning." he smiled before scrunching his eyebrows. "God, you all look like death."

"Wow, thanks for the observation, stark." I said, while giving a sarcastic smile back. "We might have gotten a bit drunk yesterday."

"I thought you could barely get drunk?"

"Asgardian liquor." Natasha explained.

"Alright then. Well, i haven't met this one yet." he said and pointed at yelena before holding his hand out. "I'm Tony Stark, but you already knew that."

"I wish I didn't." she quipped back before shaking his hand. "Yelena Belova."

"Ah yes, Romanoff's sister that we didn't know about."

I held my finger up, "correction, her sister that you didn't know about."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." he scoffed. "Is this a bad time to tell you guys we have a mission?"

We all groaned in unison at this, and Yelena decided to speak up. "I don't have to go right, considering I'm not a member of the team?"

"You're not a member yet." Natasha pointed out.

"Well technically Yelena can be excused, but Poison and Natasha, you both still need to go." Tony said. "Some new group of bad guys are planning to attack a middle school in New jersey."


"One of the teachers there was a lawyer before and ended up sending someone the bad guys knew to jail, so they are planning to kill him, which will potentially harm children. You have thirty minutes to get ready and be at the quin jet." he explained before walking out of the room.

I sighed. "Well, guess we don't really have a choice do we?"

"Nope." nat replied.

Thirty minutes later we were sitting in the quin jet with Wanda, Vision, Steve, Bucky, Sam and Tony, on our way to New jersey. Wanda stood up and walked over to sit beside me, while giving me a small smile, which I returned.

"So Poison-" she started but I cut her off.

"Y/N." I said and practically every head shot up to look at me with wide eyes. "Calm down, it's just my name."

"Yes but you haven't let anybody use it." Bucky said.

"Well now I'm letting you guys." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well then Y/N." Wanda corrected. "Would you be ok with me using my powers to help your hangover? I already did it to natasha."

I nodded, "yeah, that would be great."

She put her hand up and held it towards my head. I saw red wisps cover her fingers and soon enough I felt my head get lighter and my hangover faded away slowly. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the calming feeling that was pulsing through me. After a few more seconds the feeling was gone as Wanda pulled her hand away.

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