Part 27

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Readers pov:

I drove around for two more weeks before deciding to finally head back to the compound. I was sitting nervously in my car outside, just waiting to go in. I had been gone for a month and a half and I was scared of what coming back would be like. Finally deciding I had had enough of the waiting I got out and headed to the entrance, leaving my stuff in the car to get later. I walked in and headed to the living room. I peaked inside and saw Natasha and Wanda watching something on the tv. After a few seconds Wanda spotted me and gasped. I smiled at her before walking in which then caught Natasha's attention and she immediately sprung up to hug me.

"God, Y/N! We've missed you so much!" she squeezed me before pulling away but I was once again wrapped into a hug, this time by the sokovian.

"I'm so glad you're back!"

I chuckled a little before pulling back. "Me too."

Sam walked into the room on his phone. "Hey Nat, have you seen thi-" he stopped once he looked up. He just stared at me with wide eyes before running at me and picking me up.

"Don't fucking leave again!" He sat me down on the ground. "Does Steve and Bucky know you're here?"

I shook my head. "Nope, you know where they are?"

"Gym." he answered before slightly shoving me to the door. "Go, they are going to lose their minds."

I nodded and did a little salute before walking to the gym, ready to see my boyfriends again after so long. I pushed the door open and saw them sparring each other. I watched them throw punches as they hadn't noticed me yet. I stood there without saying a word until Bucky hit Steve in the face with the metal arm.

"Ooh, foul play." I chuckled and they whipped their heads towards me. I waved a little before running over to them. Steve was quick to pick me up and spun me around while I held onto him. He sat me down and I felt Bucky's arms wrap themselves around my waist from behind and he started to kiss my shoulder and up my neck before reaching my cheek and turned my head to capture my lips in one too. Once he pulled away Steve grabbed my face and leaned down to kiss me as well. He pulled away and just smiled down at me. Bucky put his head in the crook of my neck and I could feel him take a deep breath in through his nose.

I hummed with a smile as I just took in the feeling of being wrapped between them. "I've missed you guys."

"Believe me, we've missed you more." Steve put his chin on the top of my head.

"Don't turn this into a competition, believe me, I'm competitive."

He chuckled. "Alright then." he sighed contently before kissing my hairline.

"Bucky?" I realised he hadn't said anything yet.

"I'm just trying to not propose, don't mind me." he mumbled into my neck causing me to laugh.

"Yeah that would be a little too early." Steve let out an unsure chuckle, almost as if he wanted the answer to be no. "Right?"

"Maybe a little early? We've dated for almost five months, so let's say after six or seven months perhaps?" I suggested.

"So six months and a day, got it."

I smiled and shook my head. "Well, then I'd know when you're going to do it."

"Alright, not that exact day." Bucky said as he raised his head.

I let out a deep breath. "You know what I wanna do?"

"What, doll?"

"Cuddles and doing absolutely nothing."


The next day I woke up and decided to find Tony. I wanted to clear things between us so I went to the lab. I found him with his back facing me, hunched over something on the workbench. I walked over and looked over his shoulder until he noticed someone was standing over him. He turned around with a shocked expression on his face.

"Y/N, you're back!" He stood up but kept his hands awkwardly on his sides. I smiled before pulling him into me to hug him. He was taken aback but then returned the hug, squeezing me a little.

I pulled away. "I'm sorry, Tony, I shouldn't have reacted that way."

He just shook his head. "No, I should've told you as soon as I found out, it's my fault."

"You thought you were doing the right thing, I can't blame you for that. Yes I wish you would've told me but we can't really change the past so I'd just like for us to be friends again."

He smiled at me. "I'd love that."

I clapped my hands together. "Great. Now I'm super hungry so I'm gonna get breakfast and say hi to the people I haven't seen yet."

I walked out and headed to the kitchen. I could smell french toast and got super excited as I walked in. I saw Steve and Thor standing over the stove, cooking breakfast.

"What the hell is happening?" I whispered before turning to look at the team who were sitting around the table. Clint, Yelena and Bruce looked at me with wide eyes. "Oh yeah, hi guys, I'm back."

"Fuck yes!" Yelena yelled and pointed at me.

I smiled and walked over to Steve and Thor. "What's going on here?"

Thor turned around and smiled at me. "Ah lady Y/N, I heard you were back and Steve wanted to make some breakfast for you so I said I would help."

I pursued my lips and nodded. "I'm a little scared but very thankful."

I took a seat next to Bucky who wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him. I leaned my head on his shoulder and waited for the food to get ready. Once it was done Steve put a big plate filled with french toast on the table and we all grabbed some and started digging in.

I hummed in appreciation. "This is actually really good."

Steve sat down on the other side of me before grabbing some food of his own. "Thanks, doll."

Breakfast was really nice and I enjoyed catching up with everyone. I told them a little about where I had been and they explained what I had missed while being gone. We quickly ate all the food but Bruce managed to save some to bring to Tony who was still in the lab. I helped clean up and put all the dishes in the dishwasher before walking into the living room and dropping onto the couch.

Steve walked in and saw me lying there before chuckling and walking over. He picked me up bridal style and I looked up at him with my eyebrow raised.

"What, you're back now so it's mandatory that you come to the movie theatre room with me and Buck. He's setting up Brooklyn 99 right now for us to watch."

I smiled warmly up at him as we reached the room and he set me down onto the ground. I walked in and saw that the couch seat in the far back had a bunch of blankets and pillows on it with some snacks and drinks on the little tables on both sides of it. Bucky was already sitting there and patted the seat next to him so I sat down while Steve did the same. They tucked some blankets over me and I got comfortable between them as Bucky pressed play and we started to watch my comfort show.

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