Part 6

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I was the first to arrive in the kitchen in the morning, so I decided to take advantage of the alone time. I pulled out some eggs and a bowl and whisked the eggs together, then added some spices. Once they were mixed well enough I pulled out a pan to pour my eggs into. After a few minutes I had a nice plate of scrambled eggs that I sat down to enjoy. After about ten minutes the first person arrived, which happened to be natasha.

I didn't say anything as she moved around the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. As she waited for the hot drink to be ready she turned around and leaned against the counter.

"Good morning." she said with an unsure expression.


"You're up early." I nodded as I kept on eating my eggs.

She let out a sigh before speaking. "I really am sorry Poison, I should've checked to make sure it worked. And I should've gotten you out, but you're out now so there's nothing I can do about it now, but I can try to get Yelena out. Would you help me with that?"

I thought about it for a bit. Yelena was my only actual friend, and I wanted her free and safe. But I was also scared of the red room finding me and putting me into another program. It was a hard decision, but also a no-brainer.

"I'll help. If we take down the entire red room, and not just get Yelena out."

She smiled at this. "So you do care about all those people in there?"

"No, I only care about Yelena. I want to make sure i never get hurt by them again, I dont give a fuck about the others."

I could tell she didn't fully believe me, but she accepted the answer. Soon enough the rest of the team started to arrive and sat down with their own breakfast, and I decided to head out. I walked back to my room and sat down on the couch and let out a small huff. I didn't realise how boring it would be to be an avenger. After a while of contemplating it, I changed into workout clothes and headed to the gym. Once I got there I saw Steve at the punching bags, Bucky doing bench presses and Natasha kicking a dummy.

I walked over to the deadlift bars and grabbed the 300 pounds weights and put them onto the bar. I walked over to the mirror wall and got into the squatting stance. I started doing squats while looking at myself in the mirror, making sure I had the right form. After doing a couple of reps I looked behind me in the mirror, only to see Steve and James looking right at me. Or rather a lower part of me. Once they noticed I had caught them staring they both looked away with a small blush covering their cheeks. I gave a little smirk before going back to the squatting.

After a while I decided to do some stretching to end my workout so I put down the bar and sat down on the ground. I stretched for a bit before I decided I was way too bored so I got up and headed towards the exit. I took a quick shower before heading to the lab. Tony probably had something for me to do. I pushed the button to open the door and walked over to where Tony was sitting, facing away from me. Loud rock music was blasting through the room so I figured he hadn't heard me come in. I watched him work over his shoulder for a minute before he noticed my presence.

He turned around and jumped once he saw me. "HOLY SHIT!" he yelled and pushed a button on his keyboard to turn off the music. "What the fuck Poison?! How long have you been standing there?"

I shrugged, "maybe 2 minutes?"

"Well now that you've brought me closer to a heart attack, whatcha doing here anyways?"

I sat down on a spinning chair next to him and began twirling around. "M'bored."

"Well then what do you usually do when you're bored?"

I pondered for a few seconds, "kill people?"

He looked over at me with a blank face. "Yeah, no, that's not gonna work here. You need a hobby."

"Like what?"

He hummed before going back to working on his machine part. "Painting?"


"Learn an instrument?"



I raised my eyebrows and nodded. "Yeah, I could cook."

"Great problem solved." he clapped his hands together. "What a great team we are."

I headed back out and went to my room to look for something. One of the few things I still had was my mom's recipe book, so I grabbed it and headed to the kitchen. I opened the book and found a page with a recipe I knew I could make, that was also one of my comfort foods as a child: lapskaus. It's a Norwegian stew that my mom would make whenever I was sick or just a little down. Getting out all the vegetables I started cutting them up, along with the meat. I put the meat in a pot before letting it boil. I knew it was going to cook for a while so I grabbed the phone I was given by Tony and sat down to watch some shows.

Once I had watched an entire episode of killing eve I added all the vegetables into the pot and kept cooking it for 20 more minutes. Once those minutes were over I took the pot off of the stove and put it on the table.

"Hey there." said James once he walked in. "Wait. Were you cooking?"

"Yes, I needed to spend my time somehow."

He walked over to the table and lifted the lid off the pot to smell the contents. "This smells really good, what is it?"

"Lapskaus. It's a Norwegian dish."

He turned around to look at me. "Are you norwegian?"

"I have some in me."

He nodded before moving on. "I'll help you set the table."

Once we were done with that the rest of the team started filing in and sitting down. They all grabbed a serving of the stew and we started eating.

"Shit, this is really good, Poison. Glad I suggested it." Tony complimented.

That made Clint choke on his bite and he started coughing. "Poison made this?! The girl who is literally named after the thing she does to people?!"

I could see everyone's eyes widen as they looked down on their bowls and then at me.

I raised an eyebrow. "If I had poisoned this you would all already be dead."

Natalia shrugged her shoulders, "she's not wrong."

Sam then decided to speak up. "So this is 100% not poisonous?"


"And we won't die?"

"Not right now, no." This made them look nervous again. "I meant like, you will die in the future because everyone does, not that it's a slow working poison. Anyways you are all idiots, I'm also eating you know." I gave a small smile. "Then again I could've put poison on your spoons."

"FUCK!" Sam yelled as he threw his spoon away making me chuckle.

"I'm joking." I laughed. "Just pick up your spoon and keep eating, it's a good stew."

After that I didn't join in on the conversations anymore no matter how much they tried to include me. I realised I was getting too close and that was a problem. Last time I did that I ended up with more trauma than I could ever imagine. I hated how easily these people were breaking down my walls and it scared me. I didn't want to be vulnerable but I desperately wanted someone to talk to, but I was afraid I was going to be looked at like I was weak. I didn't want to seem dramatic and I didn't want people feeling bad for me. This was just something I was going to have to deal with on my own.

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now