Part 28*

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Readers pov:

Three months went by and not much had been happening. I had been on a few missions but not too many as Steve and Bucky had decided that it was best I took some breaks. We had been officially dating for eight months now but I was starting to get a little nervous about it. They haven't proposed even though it's been over two months since we hit the six months mark and that's when I said they could. I was getting a little more sad and disappointed every day that went by that they didn't even bring it up.

I was reading a book on the couch in my room, formerly Steve's room but I had now actually moved in. Bucky also stayed and slept here but he kept his own room too. It was already dark outside so it was a comfortable reading time. I turned the page of my book and read down the page when my boyfriends came into the room. I looked at them and faked a small smile before returning my gaze to my book. They walked over and Bucky threw some clothes at me. I gasped a little and put down my book.

"I'm trying to read, what's your problem?" I said, a little louder than I had meant to.

Bucky looked a little hurt at my tone but quickly shook it off and smiled. "Put those on."

I looked at the clothes and saw my favourite jeans and shirt. I was sitting in some sleeping shorts and a camisole top so I raised an eyebrow. "It's late, why would I change my clothes?"

"We're going for a drive." Steve answered.

I sighed and got up. I started walking towards the bathroom when Steve stopped me. "Where are you going?"

I turned around. "Bathroom to change."

"You can just change here you know."

I pursed my lips and nodded before quickly changing and throwing my clothes into our bedroom. I put on some shoes and they led me out into the garage and into Steve's car. I sat in the back before they could stop me from doing so. I could tell that they noticed I was becoming distant and I would always see the hurt on their faces but I didn't care much. I genuinely thought they didn't love me as much anymore and that hurt even more. We rode in silence until I spoke up.

"Where are we going?"

"We're gonna get some food." Steve said and looked at me through the rear view mirror.

I just hummed before looking out the window. We finally arrived and I saw that we were at the diner. I smiled a little before opening the car door and walking out. They both got out and led me to the entrance but didn't let me go through.

"There's a little surprise inside." Bucky said.

I smiled and pushed the door open. I walked in and let out a small gasp as I looked around me. There were fairy lights hung up along the ceiling and there were lanterns lighting up the diner in a soft golden glow. There was a table in the middle of the room that I walked over to and found a bunch of my favourite flowers. The table was also covered in polaroid pictures, all of them including me. There was a bunch from our dates and us just spending time together and some where I was with members of the team too. I kept looking at the pictures until I decided to turn around to thank my boyfriends.

When I turned around my hands quickly flew to cover my mouth as I stared in shock at them. They were both standing on one knee while Bucky was holding a box that had a beautiful ring sitting in it. I could feel tears well up in my eyes as I smiled at them.

"Y/N, we know how much you hate long cheesy speeches so we'll keep this short." Steve started off and I chuckled. "We love you more than anything, you're the light of our lives. There's nothing we wouldn't do for you."

Bucky then started speaking. "We want to spend the rest of our lives with you and make our family bigger. You make everything that has happened to us make sense. Please let us love you forever, and marry us?"

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