Part 20

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Readers pov:

Two weeks later I was lying in bed with both the boys, cuddling. Steve had his arm around me while Bucky was leaning against my side, drawing shapes with his fingers into my thigh. I was looking out into the room, not keeping my gaze on anything in particular.

"Whatcha thinkin 'bout?" Bucky squeezed my thigh a little.

"Can I tell you guys something?" I said, still not looking at them.

"Anything, doll." Steve said into my hair.

"When I won the program I still wasn't let go. I was turned into an assassin and they had me go on missions, but I still thought I was in SHIELD, not hydra."

"Yeah, we know this."

"I was a great assassin too...until I got pregnant."

I could feel them both suddenly tighten their grip on me. "What? By who?" Steve looked at me.


Bucky moved so that he was more in front of me. "You two dated?"

I shook my head. "No. He would occasionally have sex with me and if I said no he would threaten my brother."

"He...raped you?"

"Yes. I hated every second of it, and then I found out I was pregnant. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't have a baby with Andrew, so I kept it a secret. Somehow he still found out. He made me drink something before he stabbed me in the stomach." I looked down. "I lost the baby."

Steve grabbed my hand with his free one and brought it up to his lips. "God, I'm so sorry, Princess."

I smiled weakly up at him. "It's not your fault, so don't be sorry. I never planned to actually have the baby anyways. It did make me realise that children were something I wanted in the future though, just not with Andrew."

Bucky stares angrily at the wall. "Once we find him I'll kill him slowly so he feels every bit of the pain."

"Leave some of the beating to me." Steve said back.

I sighed with a small smile. "I love you both."

I heard them both take a sharp inhale before looking down at me. "You what?" Bucky asked with wide eyes.

"I. Love. You." I said while alternating between looking at them.

Bucky grabbed my face and kissed me hard while I chuckled a little from the initial shock. I kissed him back until he pulled away to lean his forehead on mine. "God, I love you too."

Steve turned my head to him and put his lips on mine. "I love you so much." He said against my lips before kissing me multiple times more.

I pulled back to smile at them both. "Are we moving too fast?"

Bucky pursed his lips. "I'll just pretend like I haven't already planned out our children's names."

I let out a laugh before leaning my head on his shoulder, then grabbing Steve's hand to lace my fingers through his.

"I don't think we're moving too fast." Steve started. "I mean Y/N I've kinda loved you since we first met Y/N, which I know sounds cheesy-"

"It does."

He chuckled a little. "Yeah it does, but I really feel that way. And I also want an input on the children's names." He pointed at Bucky.

I scoffed. "I think I should have the biggest say in that. I don't want any of those white names that look like you just grabbed a bunch of random words out of a hat." Bucky let out a small snort while Steve shook his head with a smile. "Plus we should probably wait a bit before discussing this, I mean we've only dated for like a month."

Bucky groaned sarcastically. "I knowww, how are we not married yet?"


"Well at least we know that we all want the same thing right? Marriage, family, all that?" Both Steve and I nodded our heads to this. "Great."

I took a breath in through my nose and sighed, taking in the moment. "Well I have places to be." I crawled out of bed.

"What?" Steve chuckled.

"Gonna go buy some clothes with Wanda." I smiled at them while walking backwards.

"Have fun then!"

I gave them a small wave goodbye and walked out of the door to find Wanda. I headed to her room and knocked on the door.

"Miss Y/L/N, hello." Vision said as he opened the door. I raised an eyebrow and looked behind him and saw Wanda quickly pull on a shirt and buttoned her pants before walking over to me.

"Y/N, hi! Oh yeah we were gonna go shopping!" She said a little out of breath.

I let out a small snort. "No worries, we can do it another time."

"No no! I'm ready, let's go." She grabbed her jacket and walked out the door. She linked her arm through mine before dragging me down the hallway.

I chuckled. "Chill, slow down!"

She slowed down a little and we walked at a normal pace. "Sorry, that was just a little awkward."

"Don't worry about it, I'm really happy for you guys." I bumped my shoulder into hers.

She smiled a little. "Thank you, Y/N/N."

We went to a mall and headed to the first clothing store to look at the items. Wanda was quick to find some clothes she liked while I kept walking around the store trying to find something.

"Ooh, what about this one?" Wanda said and held up a dark red, lacy camisole top. I raised my eyebrows and nodded before taking it.

"This actually looks good." I walked around some more and found a pair of dark jeans that I thought would look great with the top. I found some more shirts and another pair of pants before I decided I was done with this store.

We decided to get some lunch too and headed to a cafe in the mall. I got a chicken pesto focaccia sandwich and Wanda got a ham and cheese croissant. We sat down at a table in the back to eat our food.

"So how's dating Steve and Bucky going?" Wanda asked.

I nodded before swallowing the bite I took. "It's going great! I mean I actually opened up to them about something this morning and they were so nice and understanding, just like you guys said they would be."

A big smile covered her face. "I love that for you! You really deserve this Y/N/N." she then smirked, "So do you think I'll get to be an aunt in the future?"

I shrugged playfully. "I don't know, maybe." We both chuckled. "Longer into the future though, maybe in like a year and a half or two. Ideally when we're married."

"Yeah, I can see that. So, Tony's birthday is coming up this weekend. Please tell me you're as worried as I am?"


"The party we'll be forced to go to."

My eyes widened a bit. "Oh shit."


I groaned. "God, I don't want to socialise with people I don't know."

"You know what, let's just try to stick together once we're there. You, me, Nat and Yelena."

I nodded. "Deal."

We bought some more clothes, some for the party, before driving back to the compound. It was my turn to cook for the team so I headed straight for the kitchen to make the meal.

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