Part 4

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A/N- my dumbass broke my arm today so I'm writing this with only one hand✌🏼

Another sleepless night full of overthinking. I had been alerted by Friday that the team was in the kitchen, eating breakfast before the mission. I hadn't eaten anything yesterday so I was pretty hungry and decided to head to them, even though the last thing I wanted was to socialize. Walking into the kitchen I felt everyone's eyes on me, which was making me very uncomfortable.

I was looking around the kitchen for a bowl for my cereal when a hand opened the cupboard above me and handed me what I was looking for. I looked up and saw Steve giving me a small smile before walking back to his seat at the table. I poured some cereal into the bowl before grabbing the milk out of the fridge. Once again I started looking around the kitchen when another hand gave me a spoon.

This time I was met with James' face. What the hell is going on with those two?

I sat down at the far end of the table away from the rest and ate my cereal while listening to small bits of the team's conversations.

"So we have about 15 minutes before we need to leave folks." Tony announced into the room. "And Poison, your suits in your room."

I nodded as a reply before putting my dishes in the dishwasher and heading to my room to change, and as I was told the suit was lying on my bed neatly. It was very easy to slip into, so thanks Tony for that. Once I had changed I headed to the common room where I found Steve, James, Tony and Natasha.

Tony clapped his hands together. "Well that's everyone, so let's get to the jet."

Standing in the elevator I was squashed between two certain super soldiers, so I wiggled my arms and took a step back so I was behind them instead, making them both look back at me. Once I raised my eyebrow they both turned back around and stared at the elevator doors. The doors couldn't open fast enough as I pushed through them to get out.

We walked outside on the roof as the jet was standing in front of us. We all got in and sat down as Tony put in the directions to the location, and I pulled out my katana and inspected it. I pulled out a small vial from my pocket and inserted it into the handle of my katana and watched as white-ish lines formed on the blade before disappearing.

"Still have that katana huh?" James chuckled.

"Like you have your metal arm, I have this blade. It's a part of me." I said as I slipped the katana onto my back.

He gave a small nod. "So is that necklace right?"

My breath hitched as he mentioned it and my hand instinctively reached out to grab onto the little bird that hung from it. A little raven.

"I'm sorry about her-"

"Don't talk about her." I cut him off. "And stop talking to me." Luckily he listened and after about an hour we arrived at the location. It was an old warehouse, very kidnappy, hostage aesthetic.

Steve stood up in front of us before speaking. "Let's go over the plan. Tony flies over the warehouse to scan for people and he stays out there to give us directions over the comms. Bucky and Poison go in and take out the first group of people who's standing guard near the entrance, then you two move further in while me and Natasha sneak into the back. Once both pairs have gotten close enough to the room with the hostages we take out the people outside while Poison goes into the room and takes out the guards inside. We get the hostages out and bring them to the rescue jet Sam and Clint have brought here. Understood?"

We all nodded before Tony stepped out of the jet and took off into the air. I followed behind James as we sneaked around the building and got to the entrance. He crushed the lock with his metal arm before I kicked open the door and pulled out my katana.

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now