Part 34

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A/N- some pure fluff to balance out the smut from the last one

Readers pov:

I woke up tangled in between my husbands, me still being naked. I looked at both of them and noticed them already staring at me with soft eyes. Bucky leaned forward to place a delicate kiss on my lips before Steve turned my head to do the same.

"Good morning, wife." he said with a smile.

I hummed. "Good morning, husbands." I sat up in bed and started to climb out.

"No, come back." Bucky whined. "It's the first day of our honeymoon, we should just stay in bed and cuddle all day."

I chuckled and opened my suitcase to grab a camisole top and some shorts before putting them on. "I'm just gonna make some breakfast, I'll be back." I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room/kitchen. I went to the fridge and found it already fully stocked and silently thanked Stark for that. The honeymoon was only three days so I assumed we would have enough food for that, but given that it was three super soldiers who were staying here I wouldn't bet on anything. I grabbed a carton of eggs and a pack of bacon before I started to cook. Some scrambled eggs and crispy bacon with fruit and berries on the side sounded absolutely perfect right now.

While the food was being cooked I was going to grab the fruits from the fridge when I noticed a cake box on the highest shelf. I reached up to grab it before setting it on the counter and opening it. I smiled softly as I saw some of our wedding cake and cupcakes inside.

"We brought them on the plane when you weren't looking." Steve said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Don't worry we kept it in the plane fridge."

I chuckled a little and leaned back into his bare chest. "Thank you."

He kissed the side of my head before unwrapping his arms and turning around to the stove. "It smells amazing, I'm so hungry."

"Me too." Bucky said as he walked out of the bedroom in only sweatpants.

"Well, breakfast is almost done now." I turned the stove off and moved the eggs and bacon onto three plates before placing them on the table in front of the large window looking out at the ocean. I cut up some fruits and placed them in three bowls and put some berries in them too and sat out a pitcher of orange juice. We all sat down and started to dig into our food.

"So what's on the agenda today?" I asked after swallowing.

"Thought we already decided on staying in bed?" Bucky winked at me.

"Noo, I want to do something outside too. Maybe swimming, or a hike?"

Steve nodded. "Swimming sounds good."

Bucky let out a small groan. "Fine, we can do that too I guess."

Both Steve and I chuckled at Bucky's child-like behaviour. I don't think I would've ever expected that from such a feared assassin. We finished our food before heading back into the bedroom to get some swimwear. I chose a dark red bikini and the boys both put on some swim trunks. We walked through the living room and opened the big sliding door made out of glass and walked out onto the patio before heading down the little staircase and onto the sand.

"It's so warm, I love it." I said and turned my face upwards to get some sun on my face. One second I was standing still on the sandy beach and the next I was thrown over Bucky's shoulder as he carried me towards the water. "What are you doing?!" I yelled with a small laugh.

Bucky slapped my ass jokingly as he walked further into the ocean. "Time to get wet, doll."

I snorted a little but it quickly died down as he ducked down into the water, pulling me down with him. I stayed under for a few seconds before emerging and pushing my wet hair away from my face. I stared at him in fake offence before splashing him with the water. He just chuckled and put his hands around my waist, pulling me into him before leaning down to capture my lips in a kiss. I felt something touch my hips and got a little scared until I realised it was my other husband and I sighed in relief.

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