Part 10

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Once I woke up I immediately felt the pain of the wound in my side causing me to groan as I sat up. I slowly pushed myself out of bed to grab some shorts and a hoodie. I slowly pulled the hoodie over my head, being careful not to fuck up the stiches. I brushed my teeth before walking out of my room, and headed to the kitchen. I walked through the door and was met by the smell of bacon and eggs. Steve spotted me first as he was pulling plates out of the cupboards, while Bucky was standing over the stove.

"Good morning Poison." Steve smiled.

"Morning." I said back and sat down at the table.

"We were gonna bring you the food in bed, but I guess you'll just have to eat it here." Bucky said and took one of the plates from Steve and put an egg and some bacon on it. Just then three pieces of toast popped out of the toaster and he put one on the plate as well. He sat it down in front of me before going back to put the food on the two other plates.

I put some food on my fork and ate it slowly. "Damn, you know how to cook."

He chuckled before both he and Steve sat down across from me. "Why thank you."

"No offence, I expected it to be shit, since you know the whole 'from the 40s' thing. I mean there couldn't have been a lot of good flavorful food back then."

"Well you're not wrong, pretty much everything was boiled, and there wasn't a lot of seasoning either." Steve explained.

"Question, would you guys have a heart attack eating too much pepper? Do you think ketchup is spicy?"

Bucky raised an eyebrow before mumbling, "Why does everyone ask that?"

"So Poison, what's your plans for today?" Steve changed the topic.

"Well I can't train while my stitches are healing, so I was just going to watch killing Eve while I die of boredom."

"Killing eve?"

"Yeah it's this show about an assassin and an investigator of sorts that's having some serious sexual chemistry."

He nodded, "sounds interesting."

I had finished eating at this point and stood up to put my dishes in the dishwasher. I was on my way out of the kitchen when Bucky spoke up.

"What happened?"

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, so he continued, "at the mission with natasha. Something must've happened because you're having breakfast with us and being friendly."

"I'm tired of not having anyone." I answered honestly.

"Good thing you have us then."

I nodded with a small smile. "Yeah." I then walked out and headed to the lab to see Tony and Bruce, as I didn't have anything better to do.

The next two days were incredibly boring, i couldn't train or go on missions or anything, so i was basically just stuck in my room. That is until I got an alert from Friday saying that Natasha was back. I rushed out and went into the living room where I saw her set her bag down and slump down on the couch. I walked over to her and sat down next to her.

"Hey Natalia, how'd it go?"

She sighed before giving me a small smile. "It's gone."

"You're serious?"

She nodded and I leapt forward to embrace her in a hug, which she seemed a bit taken aback from, but she quickly wrapped her arms around me in return. We sat there for a few seconds before i pulled away.

"And yelena?"

"Is right here." I heard her say with a groan from behind the couch as she dropped a few bags onto the ground. "Gee, thanks for the help with the bags."

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now