Part 9

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After a while of waiting, one of the tiles in the vent was lifted and Natasha and Yelena crawled in, causing Yelena to groan and I noticed that she was bleeding.

I pulled out a t-shirt from my bag and wrapped it around her arm to stop the bleeding. "Here you go."

"You okay?" Natasha asked yelena.

"Yeah, great plan, I love the part where I almost bleed to death." She sat up and looked around, "This is cozy."

"Barton and I spent two days hiding up here."

"That must've been fun." I replied.

After a few seconds Natasha spoke up again. "Who the hell was that guy?"

"What guy?" I asked.

"Dreykov's special project. He can mimic anyone has ever seen. It's like fighting a mirror. Dreykov only deploys him for top-priority missions." Yelena answered.

Natasha rubbed her eyes. "This doesn't make any sense."

"Well, the truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details."

"What is that supposed to mean"

"You didn't say one word about Dreykov's daughter. You killed her."

"I had to. I needed her to lead me to Dreykov."

I decided to interrupt them before a fight broke out. "Ok let's move on. We have to get going."

After a while we finally got to a gas station and we headed inside, me trailing behind the two of them. I could hear them talking but I wasn't feeling too good, and couldn't really keep my focus. After a few seconds I realized Natasha was in front of me and talking.

"Poi...can you hea...are you o...hello?" was all I heard as she was waving her hand in front of my face.

They led me outside to a table and we sat down. They gave me some water and I could feel myself re-gaining some energy and focus.

"Are you ok, what's wrong?" Yelena asked in russian.

"I'm not feeling too good."

Natasha removed her hand from my waist as she was still holding it after leading me to the table. "Hey Poison?"


She lifted her hand up so I could see the blood covering it and dripping down her forearm. I quickly pulled my shirt up and noticed a wound, pulsing out blood slowly.

"You're shot!" Yelena said fast, and grabbed a t-shirt from one of the bags and held it against my wound to stop the bleeding like I had done for her earlier. "How have you not noticed?"

"My shirts black so I didn't see the blood, and I'm chemically modified to have a high pain tolerance, I guess I just didn't think about it." I shrugged. "I must've gotten shot in the apartment when we were attacked."

"You're going back to the compound." Natasha instructed as she took out a small bottle of alcohol.

"What no I-" my sentence was quickly interrupted with a hiss as Nat poured the alcohol onto my wound to clean in. I took a deep breath in through my teeth before resuming. "I'm staying, we have to take down the red room."

"And we will, but you need to get back so Bruce can fix your wound. Yelena and I will take care of the red room, I promise." she said and got out some bandages she had bought and used it to wrap around my waist to hold the shirt in place over the wound so I wouldn't bleed out.

I didn't want to, but logically I had to consider it. I would probably just slow them down and as much as I wanted to take those people down myself, it wasn't the smartest decision.

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now