Part 23

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Readers pov:

A little over a month later it was a day until 4th of july. It was my first time celebrating this as I didn't grow up in America and I was looking forward to it. I decided to google it to know exactly what would happen when I found an interesting piece of information. Steve's birthday. He never told me and it didn't seem like the others knew either as no one was talking about it.

"Hey guys?" I said as I walked into the living room where the team, excluding Steve, were sitting. "Anyone here know Steve's birthday?"

Most of them looked a little confused. "Actually no, I atleast dont." Natasha said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Bucky, you know, right?"

He nodded a little. "Course I do. He just doesn't tell anyone because he doesn't want Tony to throw one of those big parties."

"Oh, yeah ok, that makes sense." I pursed my lips with a nod before walking out.

"Hey, wait!" Bucky yelled after me and caught up with me a little outside the living room. "Why'd you wanna know?"

"Well, I want to do something nice for my boyfriend on his birthday tomorrow." I smiled.

"Don't do anything big though." he said, grimacing a little.

I let out a small chuckle. "I won't."

I spent the rest of the day shopping and preparing a surprise for Steve. He had been on a mission the last week and wouldn't come back until later today so I knew he wouldn't catch me. Once Friday alerted me that Steve was back I hid everything away and quickly went up to the room where we would keep our weapons and suits. I saw him walk out in sweatpants and a shirt, a few cuts and bruises on his arms and face. I ran over to him and jumped onto him.

He chuckled as he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He buried his head in my neck and placed a kiss there before speaking into my hair. "I've missed you, princess."

"I've missed you too."

He started walking with me still holding onto him. "So what have you been up to?"

I pulled away a little to look at his face. "Not much, just relaxing with Bucky. He even let me paint his nails. Black of course."

He smiled at me before giving me a kiss. "Sounds fun, you'll have to paint my nails too at some point." I grinned and nodded. "So, are you excited for your first 4th of July celebration?" he asked as we got into the elevator.

"A little yes, I still think the Norwegian one might be better."

"The Norwegian one?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, May 17th. It's Norway's national day. We wear traditional clothes, go to fairs, some of the streets in town get closed down so children can march in them and sing songs and everyone watches." I smiled as I explained.

He smiled back at me. "Sounds really nice, I almost forgot you grew up there. Maybe we'll have to go to Norway on that day next year, you must miss it."

I hummed. "I do, and I would love that." I laid my head on his shoulder.

He chuckled a little. "Are you tired?" I nodded sleepily. "Well let's get you to bed then."


I woke up before the boys and turned to bucky and slightly shook him. He groaned a little as he opened his eyes and looked at the clock on the bedside table before smiling at me tiredly. "Hey, doll. It's 5 am, whatcha doing up so early?" he said but I quickly shushed him.

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