Part 2

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No sleep, as usual. Everytime I fall asleep I get woken up by nightmares, so I just end up lying awake all night. When it was finally morning I realized I didn't have any clothes here, so I just put on the same shirt and pants I wore yesterday before heading out into the hallway. I remembered the way back to the common room but that's it. I got to the common room and saw Steve sitting on one of the couches. He heard me enter so he looked up at me and sent me a small smile.

"Hey Y/N."

"It's Poison." I said coldly and he nodded.

"Need some help?"

"I don't have any clothes and I don't know where anything is."

"FRIDAY could you ask Natasha to bring some clothes for Y/N- Poison I mean?" He corrected himself.

"Right away Mr. Rogers." a voice answered back making me jump.

"That's FRIDAY, she's the compound AI. Just ask her if you need to find anything or anyone." I just nodded.

It was an awkward silence with Steve trying to think of something to talk about while I was just staring at him. He cleared his throat before speaking,

"So you like the compound?"

"I've been here one day Steven, and I have only been in my room. I will say it's probably better than the raft though."

He chuckled at that. "I'm sure it is. I'm hoping you'll like it here."

"Why?" I was confused and he looked taken back at that.

"What do you mean why? Why wouldn't I want you to like it here?"

I shrugged, "why would you care? You don't know me, we're not friends."

He gave me a charming smile, "I'd like to be friends."

"And I wouldn't." and thankfully just then, Natalia walked in with a small pile of clothes, ending the awkward conversation with the captain.

"Here you go Y/N." she handed me the pile.

"Don't call me that. I'm not Y/N anymore, I'm Poison." I glared at her and she gave me a sad expression.

"They really broke you didn't they?" she said more to herself than anything.

"You should count yourself lucky you were put in the red room and not the program. You at least have a chance to get back your humanity." I didn't want to hear her reply so I hurried back to my room and decided to take a shower.

I stepped inside and felt the hot water pouring down my body.


I was sitting on the floor in the showers, hugging my knees to my naked body.

"I'm so sorry they did that to you Y/N." Raven said as she grabbed the showerhead and crouched down beside me. She turned on the hot water and started washing away the blood with a cloth.

I was completely drenched in blood and at that moment I wished it was mine. It was all over me, in my hair, my ears, all over my face and body and even in my mouth. I was trying not to panic as I saw all the blood going down the drain. All those peoples blood. They kept the bodies. Why would they keep the bodies?

"Shh shh i got you, don't worry." Raven said as I began to cry. She grabbed some soap and lathered it in my hair. "I've got you."

I gasped as I was suddenly back in the shower in my room at the compound. I rubbed my eyes as hard as I could with water to try and get rid of the memory. I kept repeating "I'm fine, it's not real" over and over again. But it was real. It was a real memory. I stood in the shower completely frozen until the water went cold and I snapped out of it. I grabbed a towel and dried myself off before walking out and grabbing a shirt and some sweatpants.

"FRIDAY?" I was a little unsure if that was the right way to talk to her.

"Yes miss Y/N?"

"Poison please." I hated when people called me Y/N, I felt like that version of me was gone.

"What can I do for you, Poison?"

"Where's the gym here?"

"Down the hallway, to the elevator, it's on the 1st floor and it's the first door on the left."

I followed the instructions and got to the gym where I grabbed a punching bag and hung it up. I didn't wrap my hands, but just started going at the bag.

Hit after hit I felt my breathing pick up as more flashbacks kept coming at me. All the voices I heard, all the moments I saw I just kept hitting the bag harder and harder, until it started ripping and sand poured out.

"FUCK!" I yelled and punched the bag one final time and it hit the wall in front of me with a thud.

"You know, talking to someone might help, Poison." I didn't care to turn around, I just grabbed a new bag and hung it up. "You can ignore me but not your problems."

I started punching the bag again. "What if my problem is you James?" I said angrily.

"What have I done wrong Y/N."

I turned around and walked up to him. "Don't fucking call me that." I said through clenched teeth.

"Or what?" He challenged me.

I went in to punch him but he quickly grabbed my arm and twisted me around so my back was against his chest. I quickly grabbed his arm that was holding me in place and threw him over my shoulder and he landed on the floor. He jumped up and got into a fighting stance before lunging at me and I blocked his hit before kicking him in the chest. I went in for another kick but he took hold of my leg and twisted him onto the ground and he straddled me before pinning my arms to the floor.

I was breathing heavily as I stared up at him and he stared back. He started leaning in until our noses touched. Suddenly it was like an alarm went off in my head and I pushed him off of me before standing up and walking out of the room. I'm not going to catch feelings for James.

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now