Part 12

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Steve's pov:

I kept yelling into the comms, hoping to hear Y/N's voice but it never came. I watched the flames dance in the wind as I slowly let my hand down from my ear in defeat. I looked over at Bucky and saw the same defeated expression covering his face. He slowly turned to look at me and I could see tears welling up in his eyes. I looked back at the building, now in ruins, and just stared. I was waiting for Y/N to come running out of there and be safe, but nothing happened. I looked around me and saw the rest of the team, all with wide eyes.

I heard Tony vaguely but all the sound around me was mumbled and I could feel my own heartbeat in my ears.

"Friday, scan the buildings for people." Tony said, but it was like everything was under water.

"I have to go in there..." I mumbled.

Bucky turned his attention to me. "What?"

"She's in there. I have to get her..."

"Steve, no. trust me I want to as well, but we have to let Tony check for her." He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder, bringing my attention to him. "It's gonna be ok."

"I never got to tell her buck."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Tell her what?"

I sighed and looked at the ground. "How much I liked her."

His eyes shot open quickly. "You liked her?"

I gave a small nod. "Of course I did."

I heard him swallow, and he moved his eyes away from me. "I didn't know that."

After a few seconds of silence, Tony landed in front of us and everyone immediately went to him. He removed his face plate and we could all see his sad expression, which made my heart sink.

"Nothing. Not a single heat signature or heartbeat."

Natasha decided to speak up. "No. She's not dead."

"Nat-" Tony tried.

"No!" she yelled. "She's genetically modified to survive these things, plus she could have easily used her powers and not even get hit."

I didn't know much about her powers or what she could withstand so I didn't have anything to contribute with. I felt hopeless. It was unfair how little time I got to get to know her.

"Natashas right." Bucky said. "Trust me, she's been in a number of exploding buildings and has always survived, something feels wrong."

"But right now there is no sign of her whatsoever. If you two are right then we will figure this out back at the compound." Tony said before nodding to the quin jet.

Reader's pov:

The ride was long and uneventful. I prayed that the team was safe, and I hoped they didn't believe I was dead. I couldn't help but think about what Andrew said. That I had pushed them all away, and right now, I truly wished I didn't. I had the opportunity to be a part of something good. A family, a team, but I wasted my chance and I will forever regret that decision. We kept on driving for hours on end, until we finally came to a stop. The back door opened and Andrew grabbed my arm to drag me out of the vehicle.

"An old warehouse. How original." I said unimpressed.

"Funny, aren't ya?"

I was pulled inside and down a long hallway. We went down a staircase and I was thrown into a dark room, almost falling to the ground, but I quickly regained my balance. The light blinked on and I squinted my eyes at the brightness of it. Once my vision returned to normal I looked around the white room. White walls, floors and ceiling. The room looked incredibly sterile and clean too. In the middle of the room was a white chair and I finally realised what was about to happen. For the second time today I could feel myself panicking, and struggling to breathe.

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now