Part 5

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The rest of the ride back was tense. No one wanted to say anything in fear of starting another fight. I could feel Natasha stealing glances at me while I refused to look at her. Once we finally landed back at the compound everyone quickly walked out while I stayed, staring at a little dent on the floor. Once James and Steve noticed I was still behind they stopped and turned around to give each other a look, like they were having a silent conversation. They then walked back to the jet and sat down next to each other, across from me.

"I know that's your defense mechanism, Poison." James started. "You hurt people to push them away, that way they can't hurt you. But you don't need to do that anymore. No one here is going to do you any harm."

"You know that's what I thought when I was picked out for the program. I was told it would be completely safe, so excuse me for having some trust issues."

Steve sighed, "what type of program was it even? What happened there?"

"We're not close enough to talk about this."

"Because you won't let any of us in. You've been here a few days and have barely talked to any of us." he continued. "You don't have to tell us your whole life story but just come get some late dinner with Bucky and I. Just to warm up to some of us."

It was a fairly easy offer, just some dinner. I didn't have much of an excuse to back out of it so I reluctantly agreed.

"Well I need to change first then." I said, making both their faces light up.

"Yeah uh, just change and we'll wait for you in the living room." James smiled.

I nodded before heading to the elevator. I got into my room and put on some jeans, sneakers and a black t-shirt. Once I was satisfied with my outfit I began walking towards where James said they would wait. They spotted me as I walked in and headed over to me.

"Should we get going then?" I asked.

Steve nodded and gestured to the stairs that would take us down to the exit. We headed out and got into Steve's car, me sitting in the passenger seat with James in the back.

"So where are we even going?"

The only reply I got was a "you'll see." from James. We had been driving for about 20 minutes when we arrived at a retro diner. Opening the door and getting out of the car, I stopped to look at the bright neon sign on the building. I headed towards the entrance with both the boys behind me.

I went inside and quiet music filled my ears. I walked through the diner and sat down in a booth in the back. James slid into the seat across from me, while Steve took the one next to me. I picked up the menu and quickly skimmed over the different meals before landing on a club sandwich.

A nice looking old lady walked over and took out a notepad. "Steve, Bucky, how nice it is to see my favorite regulars again. And who's this gorgeous lady?"

I tried to muster a smile but I'm sure it must've looked incredibly unnatural. "I'm Poison."

The lady, whose name tag I now saw read Mabel, looked a little surprised at that. "Wow that sure is an uncommon name." she gave a small chuckle. "Well then, Poison, boys, what can I get you guys?"

"Well Steve and I will have two double burgers and Poison will have a..." James trailed off, waiting for me to answer.

"Club sandwich."

Mabel nodded before closing the notepad and clicking her pen against it. "Coming right up."

After she walked away, we were left in silence. I wasn't looking for a conversation so I didn't really try, but it was obvious that the boys wanted to have one.

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