Part 22*

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Readers pov:

I was pushed through the door to Steve's room with Bucky's mouth attached to mine. He took my suit jacket off as i unbuttoned his shirt. I pulled away for a second to breath before steve grabbed my face to kiss me. I ran my hands down his chest as his shirt laid on the floor and his pants were unbuttoned but not off. I quickly took my pants off and was pushed back onto the bed and laid my head on the pillows. Steve took his pants completely off and crawled over to me and hovered above me and put his lips on mine.

He kissed me hard and trailed his hands down my body to my panties. I let out a small whimper as he rubbed my clothed center. I took off my top, leaving my breasts naked for them to see. I looked over to Bucky and found him already naked, sitting on a chair next to the bed. I looked back up at Steve as he slipped my panties off and started to kiss my neck before trailing lower and lower.

He placed small kisses down my stomach until he reached my pussy. He put my legs over his shoulders and nibbled on the insides of my thighs. I bucked my hips up to try to get some friction but he just chuckled.

"Want something, princess?"


"Tell me what you want and I might give it to ya."

"Please, I want your tongue on me! Please captain!" I said, frustrated from the teasing.

He groaned. "You'll get whatever you want when you call me that." he dove in and immediately started sucking on my clit. I moaned loudly and pushed my hips up, but he quickly held them down. He put two fingers at my entrance and slowly circled it.

"Put your fingers in me, please captain, I need it!"

He dipped them in and I arched my back as he pushed them slowly back out, only to repeat the motion. After a few more thrusts he curled them inside of me and I could barely hold on.

"I'm gonna cum!" I moaned.

I let out a small sob in frustration as he took his fingers out of me and pulled away from my center before putting his fingers in his mouth, licking them off and groaning. "Taste like fucking heaven, princess. Sorry but I want you to cum around my cock."

He crawled back to me and slowly pumped himself a few times before lining up with my hole. "You ready?"

"Yes, fuck me."

He pushed his cock into me and let out a moan once he was fully in. "God, I'll never get sick of feeling you like this." he pulled out, leaving only the tip in, before pushing back inside me slowly. He repeated the motion a few times before he sped up. He placed his forehead on mine and grabbed one of my hips and pushed it up against his own. The new angle caused him to hit my g-spot every time and I started to moan like crazy.

"Ahh, fuck yes, princess. You have no idea how fucking good you feel." he let out a small chuckle at the end but it was quickly cut off with a moan. "Never wanna stop fucking you."

I reached out to cup his cheek as my other hand held onto his back. "Shit- ah yes, so fucking good!" I moaned and threw my head back before looking over to bucky. I watched as he pumped up and down on his cock with his mouth slightly open and his brows furrowed as he watched me get fucked by his best friend. He watched my face contorted in pleasure and smirked. I was a whimpering mess as steve kept fucking me. "Please...please, please!" I kept begging without knowing exactly what for.

"You wanna cum princess?" Steve let out a breathy chuckle before reaching his hand down to circle my clit fast. "Then do it, make a mess on my cock, doll." I let go with a loud moan and gripped his back hard, like my life depended on it. Once he felt me clenching around him he came into me while burying his head in my neck, moaning into my ear.

I was breathing hard as Steve pulled away to look at my face. He smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead. "I love you." I gave him a smile back before repeating what he had said. He slowly pulled out of me and got up to wipe himself off and put on some boxers. "And now it's my turn to watch."

I pushed up onto my elbows as I watched bucky walk over to the bed and got onto it. "Hands and knees, doll." I quickly obeyed and I felt him place his hands on my hips. I could feel his tip nudging my entrance. I whined and pushed back, trying to get him inside of me. "Needy princess." He placed a kiss on my lower back before pushing my chest gently down onto the bed. "Don't worry, I'll give ya whatcha want."

He pushed into me in one thrust and I gripped the sheets hard. He groaned as he started to push in and out of me. He went slow first before picking up the pace. "This what you wanted, sweetheart?" he chuckled. He thrusted even harder and held my hips bruisingly hard as he smacked his own hips against my ass. "Feel good, little girl?"

"Yes sergeant, so fucking good!"

He reached over and grabbed my neck with his metal arm before pulling me back against his chest. His other arm wrapped around my stomach as he kept thrusting into me at a fast pace. He placed a kiss on my temple as he squeezed my throat a little harder, but not enough to actually hurt me. He took my hand in his before placing it against my lower stomach, a bulge pretty noticeable. "Feel that, princess? That's how deep inside of you I am. That's my cock you're feeling."

I bit my lip and leaned my head back onto his shoulder. He dragged my hand lower until it reached my clit. "Rub yourself for me." I did as he said and rubbed fast, determined to make myself cum. "You close?" I couldn't bring myself to form words so I nodded quickly.

"Let go for me." he moaned in my ear as I felt his cum flood into me and I came instantly at the feeling. He slowed down until he reached a stop and kissed my neck, definitely leaving a hickey. He put me down on the bed to lay on my back while he crawled off of the bed and put on some boxers before walking into the bathroom. Steve came over to me and laid down on my right side and put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side.

Bucky came back with a warm towel and cleaned me up. He placed the cloth in the hamper before settling down on the other side of me, laying his arm over my stomach. He kissed my cheek and hairline before placing one on my lips. "Did so good for us, princess."

Steve also placed a kiss on my temple before leaning his forehead against the side of my face. "So good."

I smiled lazily at them before closing my eyes and felt the covers being pulled over me. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep in my two boyfriends arms.

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