Part 32

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Readers pov:

Today was the day. I was marrying the loves of my life and I couldn't wait. I had accidentally woken up super early and had to stay in my room in boredom as I wasn't allowed to leave. I had been instructed to stay here and the girl would bring breakfast to me and we would get ready there before the ceremony. I started to read while I waited for the girls to wake up but they took forever.

After about an hour I sighed. "Friday? Can you wake up Natasha, Yelena, Wanda, Maria and Pepper for me please?"

"Right away, agent Y/L/N."

I laid down on the couch and stared up at the ceiling as I waited. A few minutes went by before they came, everyone except Wanda.

"Where's my maid of honour?"

"She's making breakfast." Yelena explained. "Still offended you didn't pick me as maid of honour."

"She won fair and square. I literally just picked her name out of a bowl." I rolled my eyes with a smile.


"Alright then, how's the blushing bride to be?" Natasha smiled as she removed my legs so she could sit besides me.

"I'm great, but it's like 8 hours until the wedding and I'm bad at doing nothing."

"Well luckily you have us to keep you company." Maria said.

"And some tequila?" I asked with a smirk.

She pursed her lips. "If you don't put any of the Asgardian liquor in it, sure."

I groaned. "But that takes away the fun."

"Do you really wanna be drunk at your wedding?"

I let out a sigh. "No..."

"Exactly. Now, let's have some fun."

We played some games and talked while eating the breakfast Wanda had made. We did so for hours until they deemed it time to start getting ready. We haven't hired anyone to do our hair and makeup so we just did our own and helped each other a bit when needed. Once I was happy with my look I was reminded that I had about thirty minutes left to get ready so they put me in the dress. I checked myself out in the mirror and smiled at my appearance. I looked great and I hoped Bucky and Steve would think the same. Wanda came up behind me and put her chin on my shoulder.

"You're about to be their wife."

I sighed softly. "Finally." I took a deep breath before we walked out of the room. The guys of the team had been told to keep Steve and Bucky away as I headed down to the small house down by the lake. It was pretty in there, soft lighting, a comfy couch and a large sliding door made out of glass so I could look out at the blue lake. I hadn't seen the dock where the ceremony would be yet and I couldn't wait to see how it had been decorated.

After standing there nervously for a few minutes my bridesmaids told me it was time and they followed me out. There were two wooden walls on each side of the pier that I stood behind so I could see the dock and everyone else but they couldn't see me. I stared at the beautiful decorations in aw. There were fairy lights, just like in the diner when they proposed, golden lanterns, dark emerald green fabric like banners where hung from pole to pole all the way down to the altar. The entire ceiling of the dock was covered in beautiful flowers, most of them being my favourite.

I watched as the girls headed down the aisle and up to the altar as I waited impatiently for my turn. Once I heard the music start playing I took a deep breath before coming out from behind the wall and started walking down the aisle. I caught Steve and Bucky's eyes as I walked and it was like their eyes just lit up. I could almost swear they had tears in them too, but if I'm being honest I probably did as well. They were all I could focus on as I stepped forwards and my entire world just revolved around them at the moment. As soon as I reached the altar they both grabbed one of my hands and I stood in front of them.

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