Part 19*

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Readers pov:

I woke up, still between my two boyfriends. I looked at them both but found them already looking at me. Steve leaned forward and kissed me, but as he tried to pull away i grabbed the back of his head to keep him there. He chuckled before cupping my face and deepening the kiss. I pushed him onto his back and straddled him without disconnecting our lips. I pulled away and sat up before grabbing Bucky's arm to make him sit next to me and I pulled his face towards mine before kissing him too. He was quick to swipe his tongue across my bottom lip and I opened my mouth to glide my tongue against his.

Steve kept his hands on my hips as I slowly grinded myself onto him. I let out a small moan against Bucky's lips as he held onto my waist and slowly moved to stand behind me. They were both wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, and I was wearing some shorts and a camisole top I had changed into last night after noticing I was still in my suit. I kept grinding onto Steve's hardening cock as I felt Bucky press his own against my ass. I twisted my upper body around as much as I could before tugging at Bucky's shirt, signaling him to take it off, which he did.

I turned around to Steve and grabbed his shirt and started to pull it up. He sat up a little before discarding his shirt onto the floor and took the end of my top and slid it over my head and threw it away. His eyes widened a little as he looked at my boobs and I could feel his grip tighten on my hips as he made me ground myself harder onto him. I let out a small whimper as I tried to get as much friction as I could.

Bucky placed his hands onto my boobs and twisted my nipples, watching them harden. "What do you want, doll?"

"You both." I said with a gasp as Steve's cock rubbed against my clit.

"God, I can't wait to fuck this ass. Another time though." Bucky said as he grabbed it with his right hand.

"Please." I sighed.

"Please what?" Steve smirked.

"Please fuck me already!"

Bucky raised me a little before grabbing my shorts and ripping them straight off, panties too. He slid his hand across my stomach and down to my center. His fingers quickly found my clit and rubbed it in small circles, making me whimper. I felt Steve's hand trail up my thigh before dipping into my entrance. He kept pushing them in and out to loosen me up enough to fit them both. I kept grinding against their hands until Steve pulled him away and brought them up to his mouth, sucking on his fingers. He let out a groan before palming himself through his sweatpants.

I brought my hands down to the waistband of his pants and dragged them down along with his boxers. His cock sprung up and I gasped. I looked at his smirking face and he raised an eyebrow.

"Fuck, you're big." I said before looking back at Bucky to see that he had already taken off his own pants and boxers, cock standing tall before me. "You're both really big."

"You can take us." Bucky said as he grabbed my hips and pushed his cock between my thighs and I could feel Steve's rubbing against my clit. "Are you sure about this?" Bucky asked and placed a kiss on my shoulder.

"You can say no, even if you're already naked. If you need us to, we'll always stop." Steve smiled up at me.

I love them, I thought but didn't say anything out loud. Instead I nodded my head. "Yes please, I want this. Fuck me."

I felt bucky slowly push into me as I shut my eyes and bit down on my lip. Once he was fully in, Steve grabbed his cock and started to push in too and my head fell back with a moan. They both stayed still for a bit to let me get used to it, but I grew impatient and started to move my hips around. They got the signal and they started to pull out of me before pushing back in. Bucky held my hips hard as they both fucked me even faster. I tried to jump a little so I could ride Steve, but quickly stopped as I couldn't match their thrusting. They were both groaning as I kept my hand over my mouth. Steve grabbed my hand and pulled it away from my face.

"The room is soundproof and we wanna hear every pretty little sound you make." he said before pushing into me extra hard making me moan loudly.

Bucky sucked a hickey onto my neck before raising his mouth to my ear. "Aren't you a good girl? Not only taking one cock but two into that little hole." he bit my earlobe and dragged it with his teeth. "Fuck, so gorgeous." he groaned.

They sped up and I kept moaning louder and louder until I was about to cover my mouth, but once again Steve pushed it away. "What did I just tell you, huh?"

I threw my head back. "Yes, fuck! Please don't stop!"

Bucky brought his hand back to my clit and rubbed it fast. "Cum for us, princess."

That was all it took for me to let go with my mouth open in a silent moan. They thrusted a few more times before Bucky came, Steve following shortly behind. We were all breathing heavily as I leaned my body back against bucky. He kissed my shoulder and up my neck before placing a last one on my cheek. Steve was rubbing my thighs and hips soothingly before he sat up and kissed my lips. They started to pull out, causing me to whimper.

"It's ok princess, It's ok." Steve said while leaning his forehead against mine.

Once they had pulled out completely, Bucky slowly lifted me off the bed and onto the ground. He still held me as my legs were shaking and turned me around before picking me up. He walked me to the bathroom and sat me on the counter as Steve started to fill up the bathtub. Bucky held his hands on my waist as he kissed my forehead and kept his lips there. Once he pulled away he smiled down at me. He pushed some hair out of my face.

"You're beautiful."

I smiled shyly and looked away. Steve walked up to us, now wearing boxers and handed Bucky his pair. "Thanks, pal." Bucky replied with a smile.

Steve grabbed my chin so I could look at him. "He's right. The most beautiful girl in the world." he picked me up and walked towards the bath, helping me in. I sat down and sighed as the warm water flowed around me. I looked at them and saw them both leaning against the counter watching me.

"You're not gonna get in?" I questioned them.

Bucky shook his head. "I don't think there's enough space for three people in that."

I pouted a little. "We'll have to ask Tony for a bigger one then."

They both smiled and nodded. "That we will." Bucky said.

"Could you guys at least come over here?"

They came over and sat down on the floor against the wall across from the bathtub. The bathroom was long but not too wide so they weren't far away from me now. I put my arms on the side of the tub and laid my head on them. "That was really great."

"Yeah, it was." Steve smiled.

"We'll have to do that again some time." I smirked and put my arms under the water and leaned back, still keeping my head to the right to look at them.

Bucky chuckled. "Trust me doll, we will."

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now