Part 35*

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Readers pov:

The rest of the honeymoon was great. We ate a lot of good food and had some really good sex and conversations, but it was time to head back. We packed all our things and headed to the airport to hop on the private jet and fly back to the compound. As much as I've enjoyed these past three days I've also missed the team and going on missions incredibly much. I was so excited to see everyone again and hear what had happened while we were gone.

As soon as the plane landed I was running to the elevator with my suitcase, the boys behind me chuckling at my antics. I hurriedly pressed the button and waited until we arrived at the right floor. Once the door opened I pushed out my suitcase before discarding it and running to the living room. Once I got there I slowed down a little and walked in normally to not seem like a crazy person.

Wanda, Yelena and Sam were sitting on the couch, laughing at something on the tv so I casually walked over and stood beside them. "Whatcha looking at?" I asked, keeping my attention on the tv.

Wanda gasped a little and stood up to hug me. "You're back!"

"I am!"

Both Sam and Yelena hugged me before I was dragged down onto the couch.

"So, tell us, what happened?" Yelena said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nah, I don't wanna hear about how Rogers and Barnes are in bed, no thank you." Sam said with a grimace.

I scoffed. "I wasn't going to say anything about that."

"Aw, come on, I want details." Yelena complained and I chuckled.

"We had a great time, it was so beautiful there. It was warm and nice and we spent hours in the ocean and on hikes. All in all, it was wonderful."

Wanda smiled happily. "That sounds so nice! I take it you're all enjoying the newly wed time?"

I nodded. "Absolutely, I'm gonna cherish this before children start to come along."

She smirked. "And are those going to come along soon, or...?"

I smirked back and shrugged my shoulders. "Who knows?"

"I'm just waiting for little Sam." I looked at Sam with a raised eyebrow.

"Sounds like you're talking about your dick, but alright."

He gasped in offence. "How dare you? That is not what I meant at all."

I snorted. "I know that, calm down. Plus by Bucky's demands the middle name isn't going to be used a lot."

Sam sighed. "Not fair."

I hummed. "Life's not fair. Anyways, I'm gonna go bother everyone with the fact that I'm back."


After doing so for a while I decided to head back to my bedroom to relax a little. I just laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. I really hoped there would be a mission soon or I was going to get bored pretty quickly. Once I deemed I had been lying in bed for too long I changed into some workout clothes before heading to the gym. Luckily for me there wasn't anyone there so I could do my exercises in peace. I did some light stretching before starting off with something easy. I chose to run on the treadmill for fifteen minutes until I moved on to weights. I was going to finish off my workout with the punching bag so I wrapped my hands and went at it.

The gym door swung open and I heard the familiar sound of my husbands so I turned around quickly to wave before going back to punching. I could see Steve head over to do some bench presses through the mirror while Bucky practised kicks on the dummy. Once I was fairly out of breath and a little sweaty I unwrapped my hands before walking to the gym showers. There was a men's one, a women's one and a gender neutral one so everyone had somewhere to go. I went into the one for women as I thought the soap there was best and quickly undressed myself before turning on the shower head and stepping under it.

I felt a pair of hands grab my hips and I turned around quickly, ready to punch the person. I stopped when I noticed Steve smirking down at me and I let out a breath of relief. He was already naked and I looked down and saw him completely hard. I looked back up at him and raised an eyebrow teasingly.

"Couldn't resist ya, doll." he spoke in a low voice.

"What if someone comes in?"

He simply pushed me backwards until I was standing against the wall. "Locked the doors, sweetheart. We have nothing to worry about." he lowered his grip to my thighs before picking me up and pushing me back up against the wall. I could feel his cock on my thigh so I wiggled to try to get it closer to my centre. He chuckled before grabbing it and pushing it up against my hole. "You want it?"

I nodded and he quickly slapped my ass, making me let out a small gasp. "Words, doll."

"Yes, Captain."

He smirked and nodded before starting to slowly push in. I leaned my forehead against his and once he was fully in I looked into his eyes and he started to move. My mouth fell open and sharp intakes of breath were all that came out as he pushed in and out of me.

"Feel good, doll?"

I nodded and moved my head to lay on his shoulder as I gripped around his neck to hold on. He started to pick up the pace a little and I could hear him groaning in my ear. "Feel fucking perfect, sweetheart."

I kissed his neck and tightened my legs around his waist and pushed my heels against his ass to move him further into me. He quickly took the hint and started to hit deeper inside of me while simultaneously going faster. "My perfect little doll. Shame we don't have Buck here to fuck that pretty little ass of yours." I gasped as he hit my good spot three times in a row. "Did I find the spot?"

I nodded against his neck and he kept repeatedly hitting the spot inside of me and I could feel myself slowly getting there. "So close..." I moaned out and he gripped the back of my head and moved my face in front of his.

"Wanna watch you cum. Don't look away from my eyes or I'll stop, got it?"

I nodded quickly as my mouth opened into an 'o'. He gripped my chin and glared at me a little. I got what he was trying to say and muttered out a small,  "Got it."

He smiled a little proudly and kissed my nose before staring into my eyes. "Such a good girl. Can you rub yourself for me?"

"Yes..." I brought my hand down to my clit and started to rub quickly and I was so incredibly close.

"You gonna cum for me?"

I nodded. "Yes, I'm gonna cum!"

"Do it, let go. Cum for me, doll."

I still kept eye contact as my mouth fell open in a moan and I finally let go. Once he felt me clench around him it didn't take long for him to cum as well, spilling everything inside of me. He kept his forehead on mine as we both caught our breaths. He kissed my lips softly before deepening it and sliding his tongue across my bottom lip before tangling it with my own. I slowed down the kiss a little bit before placing a last one on his lips and pulling away. He smiled at me before setting me down on the floor and getting some soap to wash me.


A little over a week later I had already been on two missions and had been feeling really good until suddenly I was hit with a bug. I felt awful and nauseous and had been throwing up a lot and I pretty much just stayed in bed. The boys were beginning to get a little worried so they brought me to Bruce to get me checked. I was sitting in the hospital bed after having taken some blood tests a few hours earlier and I waited for Banner to tell me it was just a cold or the flu.

He walked back in with some papers I assumed had the results on them. Steve and Bucky were both sitting on the right side of my bed and waited for Bruce to tell us what's wrong.

"So the tests here actually tell us that..."

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now