Part 30*

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Readers pov:

I don't know how they convinced me to go along with this but somehow they did. It was the day before the wedding and the girls had decided to kidnap me and we were now driving to a bar they had rented out for a bachelorette party. Apparently the boys had done the same for Steve and Bucky, only they stayed at the compound. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect from them but I can't imagine it would be something nice and innocent. They had made me put on a dark red, skintight, short dress and even put a tiara on me. They dragged me into the bar with a blindfold on and made me stand in the middle of the room.

They removed my blindfold and I looked around me. On the stage stood a microphone, the entire room was lit up in purple lights and there was a bar that Natasha went over to and stood behind.

"You ladies want some drinks?"

We all cheered and stood at the counter as Natasha poured a bunch of shots. She slid them over to everyone else but me and I raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, come on, you think we're just gonna make you drink the regular stuff and leave you sober? That's no fun." she smirked before grabbing another bottle of liquor and poured three more shots for me. "Special made, just for you."

I quickly downed the shots and winced at the burn in my throat. "Let's get this party started!"

We got some drinks that we could sip on for longer as we started the first game.

"Alright, never have I ever, sexual edition." Yelena announced. "Alright we all know the rules, take a drink if you've done it."

"I'll start." Maria raised her glass a little. "Never have I ever been the dominant one."

I took a sip and I saw Maria, Nat, and Yelena do the same.

I chuckled. "Wanda is expected, but Pepper, I totally thought Tony would have a kink for being submissive given his whole daddy issues thing."

She snorted. "He does seem like that type of guy." she shook her head. "Me next. Never have I ever used toys in sex?"

"Uhm, hello, you have three whole ass lesbians here and two bisexuals." Natasha said while first gesturing to herself, Maria and Yelena before pointing at me and wanda. "I feel like that's self explanatory." All of us took a sip of our drinks as we didn't have any arguments. "Alright, never have I ever done roleplaying."

I didn't drink anything but watched as everyone else did. I looked at Wanda with wide eyes. "Vision can be kinky?!"

She raised her hands. "Surprising, I know."

I gave a small chuckle. "Well then, never have I ever used the 'daddy' kink."

Maria, Natasha and Pepper all took a drink and I did the same. Natasha looked at me with a shocked expression. "Hold up, the two 40's guys are into daddy stuff?!"

I threw my head back in a laugh before shaking my head. "No, I had a sex life before those two you know."

We kept on playing for a few more rounds before moving on to karaoke. I was having so much fun just being drunk with my best friends and wanted the night to last way longer. After everyone had their turn to sing at least three times Natasha made us all sit down at a table before she pulled out some cards.

"So we asked the boys some questions and now we are going to ask you the same ones and we are going to see how many you can get right." She explained before taking out a card. "Who was the first to make a move?"

"Hm. I mean, I guess it was Steve?" I said while trying to think back on it. I knew he was the first to kiss me but I'm not sure that's what the first move was.

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