Part 3

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I didn't pay attention to where I was going, I just ran and ended up in the kitchen. Walking inside I saw Steve leaning against the counter with a coffee mug. He noticed me walking in and put down his cup.

"Hey Poison." he looked down and noticed some blood dripping from my hands. He quickly walked over to me and pulled my hands up to inspect them, making me raise an eyebrow.

"What?" I questioned.

"What happened to your knuckles, they look beaten up?" he rubbed a finger over one of the wounds carefully, but still hard enough to make me wince, then looked up at me with a worried expression.

I gave a little shrug before speaking, "I must have forgotten to wrap them before working out with the punching bag. No big deal." I explained before pulling my hands away, only for him to grab my arm and make me sit down on one of the chairs at the counter.

"These are pretty bad wounds, I'm just going to clean them to make sure you don't get an infection."

"Steven, this is nothing compared to the injuries I've had before and I've survived. You don't have to be all...nice."

He smiled softly at me and grabbed a med kit and pulled out some saline to rinse the wounds. "I'm still going to clean these. And of course I'm going to be nice, as I said before I want to be friends."

"I don't need friends-" my sentence ended with a hiss once Steve poured the disinfectant onto my bleeding knuckles.

"It's ok you're doing good, it's just a little sting." he praised.

Once he had washed my knuckles and put some bandages on it I mumbled a quick thanks before walking out. I headed back to my room and plopped down on the bed and just stared up at the ceiling. My moment of literally nothing was soon interrupted by a certain AI. How rude.

"Miss Poison, you are being called to the lab by Mr. Stark. I'll give you directions as you go."

"Fine." I groaned and got up and out of the door. Getting there wasn't particularly hard, it was the thought of being around Tony that annoyed me. I had my reasons not to like him though. Well sure, it wasn't exactly his fault, more his dads but that's besides the point.

I knocked on the door and it slid open automatically for me to enter and I saw Tony standing in front of a hologram, moving it around.

"Ah Poison, nice of you to stop by."

"You called me here."

"Come over here, I need your measurements."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"You're a perv who wants to know how big my boobs are?"

Unlucky for him that he decided to drink water just as I said that because the spit take that happened was pretty hilarious.

He coughed and cleared his throat. "No, I'm making you a suit, why would that be your first thought?"

I shrugged, "You seem like that kind of guy."

"Ouch. Moving on, we have a suit to make." he made the hologram big enough to fit me and put it over my body. He started pulling it in so it would be my size before telling me to step away so we could customize it.

"So what do you want it to look like?"

"Red and black. I want it to hide my face too but still look good."

"Well we should put a lot of padding and protection on it so you won't get hurt easily."

"No no, I want it to show some skin on the arms."

He looked at me confused for a second. "That would leave you pretty vulnerable."

"Trust me, I don't get easily hurt. A little more skin please." he finally caved and we made the suit I wanted.

"I'll get it made quickly because we have a mission tomorrow

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"I'll get it made quickly because we have a mission tomorrow." he explained before clicking away on his computer.

"I haven't been told about a mission."

"Well now you have. It's a rescue mission. Four civilians kidnapped by hydra."

"And why should we care about four random civilians?"

He spun around on his chair to look at me. "You're not really that cold are you?"

"They all die at some point anyway."

"That's kind of sociopathic."

"It's what I've been trained to think. And it's not like you have the best record of caring about human life. Aren't you a war criminal?"

He looked uncomfortably at the floor. "I was. But-"

"That doesn't just go away Anthony. You have no right to judge me with everything you have done."

He looked up at me, "This is what you do isn't it? You find ways to hurt people, use their pain against them."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I also physically hurt them. It's not just psychological." I started. "And by the way, it's not kind of sociopathic, it is very much so. I don't care about human life. I don't think about the people I've killed. The program stripped me of emotions and empathy."

He looked at me with pity, and it made me want to punch him straight in the face. I didn't need any pity from anyone.

"We could help you Y/N." and that angered me even more. That wasn't who I am anymore.

I took a deep breath so I wouldnt to anything I was going to end up regretting. "Call me that one more time and I'll give you a personal demonstration of my powers."

I walked out of the lab to head back to my room. Maybe the raft would be better because then I could at least avoid people talking to me. I know that no matter what I would like to think, I still have some of my emotions left. Just my luck that it would be the ones like anger and sadness, and not happiness. But maybe it was a good thing. It's better to keep people away with my cold persona than to let them in and end up getting hurt like last time.

I know it's not fair to the team because they haven't done anything wrong, but it was hard to let go of my walls that had been built up over the years. As much as I wanted them to stay away I had a small hope that they would still be here once I finally got control over my own mind again.

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