Part 36

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A/N- I'm sorry if you don't like pregnancy stuff, I don't really either as I'm not a big fan of kids but it was something I wanted for this story so this is just another warning for it.


"So the tests here actually tell us're pregnant!" Bruce announced happily and I stared at him in shock.

"I'm pregnant?"

He nodded to confirm it and I looked over at Steve and Bucky, both of them had a big grin on their face. I looked down at my lap and took a deep breath before looking back at my husband. "We're gonna have a baby."

Bucky stood up and cupped my face to pull me into a kiss. "We are."

Steve grabbed my hand before turning to Bruce. "How far along is she?"

"A little over two weeks so this is actually the earliest we would be able to find out about it."

I swung my legs over the side of the bed before standing up. "So I'm not sick, it's just pregnancy stuff?"

"Yup, nothing to worry about."

I let out a breath. "Alright, good. Thank you, Bruce."

He nodded before walking away. I stood in front of Steve and Bucky and just looked at them before chuckling a little. "Holy shit."

Steve smiled before hugging me. When he pulled away he placed a hand on my stomach and rubbed softly. "There's a little one in there."

Bucky placed his hand on my stomach as well and stepped closer to me and put his chin on the top of my head. "We're gonna be parents."


It took some getting used to the thought of being pregnant but after two more weeks it felt pretty normal. Bucky, Steve and I kept guessing the baby's gender and so far both of them thought it was a girl. I wasn't sure but I had this small feeling that it might be twins and really hoped for it. If it was there was a chance it could be a case of superfecundation and they could both be the biological fathers. I didn't know if they even knew that it was a thing so I didn't say anything just in case I was wrong and I didn't want to get their hopes up. I knew they wouldn't care who the biological father was as they were both going to be the dads and love the children the same no matter what.

We hadn't told anyone yet as we wanted to wait until I was closer to three months, but hiding it was incredibly hard, especially from my girl friends. Having to make up excuses for not drinking or leaving suddenly to throw up or my weird eating habits was tough. I was really scared of Wanda reading my mind and finding out, and of course that is exactly what happened...

We were all sitting around the dining table in the kitchen, eating dinner. I had said no to some of my favourites as the thought of them made me nauseous and Wanda looked at me suspiciously. I saw her eyes light up in red for a quick second and her eyes widened with a gasp.

"You're pregnant?!" she yelled while staring at me. This caught everyone's attention as they now all looked at me with surprise written all over their faces.

I chuckled awkwardly. "What? Noo..."

"Fuck, you are!" Yelena huffed in disbelief. "That's why you didn't want to get high, right?"

"Y/N doesn't do drugs." Bucky said with a confused expression before looking at me.

"Me? Drugs? What are you talking about, of course not..." I pursed my lips.

"So pregnancy has clearly made you a horrible liar." Natasha chuckled.

"Why do you seem so calm about this?" Tony looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

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