Part 18

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Readers pov:

It had been two weeks and I was ready for my first mission back from the dead. With my suit on I stood outside on the lawn and waited for Sam. It was a small mission, which I was pretty annoyed by, but it was better than nothing. We had gotten intel that someone was trying to smuggle dangerous weapons from a police station in Queens to an unknown location, so we were gonna stop them. Sam walked out of the compound wearing his falcon suit. He stopped next to me and smiled.

"So you ready to fly?" I didn't get the chance to answer before he had picked me up and took off into the air. He was holding me so my back was against his chest and I could see below us. We flew for a while until Sam stopped in the air. He released red wing and flew it further down towards the ground to search for the truck the weapons were in. "got it."

We descended slowly until we were close enough so I could jump onto the truck. I landed with a thud and walked towards the middle. I pulled out my katana and stabbed it into the roof of the container and dragged the blade back and created a square. I kicked it and the piece of roof fell down before I jumped in. As soon as I landed on the floor I felt a taser stick hit my back. I groaned in pain and fell down to my knees. I smirked a little as I absorbed the energy of the taser and turned around to blast the guy with my powers. He hit the wall and slid down unconscious. Another guy came out from behind some boxes and tried to shock me but I just grabbed it before repeating the same thing I did to the guy earlier. I read the labels of the crates around me. All of them said 'nuclear weapons' or 'radioactive'.

"Hey Pois, there's two more heat signatures inside the container. They're both further in and standing ready behind some boxes." Sam's voice came in through my earpiece. I held my katana out in front of me before slowly walking forwards. I could hear breathing not too far away from me, and once I knew I was close enough I jumped in front of him. I crouched down just in time to miss the bullet he shot at me and I stabbed my katana into his stomach.

His eyes widened as he dropped the gun. He slowly looked down at the blade before raising his eyes to my smirking face. I quickly retracted the sword out of him and he fell to the ground shaking. I watched him seize up before life slowly drained from his eyes. I've missed this.

There was green residue on the poison vial as I pulled it out. I put it in my belt before grabbing a new purple one and inserting it into the sword handle, the blade shone with purple streaks before they disappeared. I took three steps before a new guy jumped forwards and fired a shot that went straight into my right thigh. I cursed as the pain came and pushed the guy back and onto the ground with my powers before sheathing my katana to my back. I ripped the suit around the bullet wound open and pulled some energy from around me and formed it into a sort of wind and used this to drag the bullet out of me. I tried to not scream and all that came out was a loud groan, but soon enough the bullet was out. I changed my powers to fire before placing my hand onto the wound and put the side of my other hand into my mouth and bit down to stop myself from screaming as I didn't want to worry Sam.

I removed the hand from my mouth and my thigh and made sure the wound was fully cauterized. I breathed out before pulling my sword back out and walked slowly over to the guy. He looked up at me before attempting to crawl backwards, away from me.

I chuckled darkly. "I was gonna kill you quick and easy but you decided to be a little bitch and shoot me." I frowned sarcastically before smirking. "You're gonna regret that decision."

I placed the blade on his neck before dragging it down, making a small cut. He looked a little relieved for a second that I wasn't gonna slit his throat, but then the poison kicked in. He screamed in agony as soaring heat spread through his body. I crouched down in front of him as he kept squirming and twisting around on the floor.

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now