Part 21

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Readers pov:

I decided to make some pasta carbonara for the team so I got to work on the sauce. I cooked some bacon and cut it up before cooking the pasta. It wasn't too much work so the meal was quickly done and I alerted everyone through Friday that dinner was ready.

They all filed in one by one and sat down and began serving themselves. I sat down in the open seat between Bucky and Steve and they both kissed my head in turns. I grabbed a plate myself and soon enough we were all eating and conversing.

"So everyone." Tony started off as he stood up. "My birthday is in a few days and I'll be having a party right here on the roof of the compound. If someone here doesn't show up I will turn off the hot water in that person's room for a week. Got it?"

Some of us chuckled a little before we all replied with "sure." and "understood." and Tony sat back down and we continued eating. Dinner was then over and I decided to get some training done. I changed into leggings and a tank top before walking to the gym. I wasn't really in the mood for punching so I decided to do some easier workouts, so I sat down on a mat and stretched. I heard the gym doors open and I looked over to see Steve and Bucky walk in. I waved at them and they smiled and waved back. They started sparring together while I did some yoga exercises. I stood up and reached my hands down to my feet, bending over.

"Ouch!" I heard Bucky say and I stood back up and turned around to look at them. Bucky was grabbing the left side of his face while wincing.

"I'm so sorry!" Steve apologized and I walked over to them.

"What happened?" I asked and slowly removed Bucky's hand from his face to inspect his cheek.

"Nothing." he said quickly, causing Steve to chuckle.

I turned my face to Steve and raised an eyebrow.

He smiled and shook his head. "He saw you bending over and got distracted and didn't block my strike."

I snorted a little before turning back to Buck. I charged up some energy and made my hand ice cold before placing it against his cheek. He sighed and gave me a small smile. "I can't help it, you have a great ass."

"Hard to argue with that." Steve said from behind me.

I breathed out a small laugh. "Well then missions together probably won't be the best idea."

"No no, we won't get distracted on missions, don't worry." Steve said quickly.

I removed my hand from Bucky's face. "Feel better?"

He nodded. "Much. But could you just quickly turn around again? I think I would feel a lot better then." he smirked.

I chuckled and shook my head. "Good try."

Saturday arrived quickly and I was about to get ready for Tony's party. I knew what I wanted to wear but at the last moment I started to get a little insecure about it. At this point I had basically moved into Steve's room as it was the biggest and had the largest bed so it fit all three of us. Bucky still had all his stuff in his own room except for a few clothing pieces he kept in Steve's. We would all sleep in the same bed where my permanent place became the middle since they both wanted to cuddle me.

I had done my makeup and my hair but I was still in some comfy shorts and one of Bucky's shirts. I walked out of the bathroom and found both my boyfriends sitting on the edge of the bed talking.

"You guys wouldn't mind if I wore a suit, right?" I asked a little nervously.

They stopped their conversation to look up at me. "What do you mean?" Steve asked.

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