Part 29

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Readers pov:

I quickly got into the wedding planning and two weeks later I had finally narrowed down the color scheme.

"I think red and gold." Wanda said as she pointed at the color cards.

"Is it because your whole thing is red?" I raised an eyebrow and she pursed her lips.

"No comment."

I chuckled and shook my head. "I'm really leaning towards the emerald green with gold." I gestured over to those.

"Can't you do both red and green with gold?" Maria suggested.

"Not a christmas wedding." I shook my head.

"Oh shit, you're right."

"Mhm." I looked really closely at all the colors. "Nope, I'm going with emerald and gold. Final decision."

"Alright then." Wanda smiled and packed up all the other cards.

"Wait, the re-"

"Nope!" natasha stopped me. "Don't second guess yourself, you made a decision."

I sighed and nodded. "You're right."

"You seem stressed, Y/N/N." Wanda said.

I sighed. "I am a little yes. It's just that we decided to have the wedding in two months because that's when everyone has time and it's a lot of preparations."

"Well good thing you have us then." Yelena winked.

"I just need everything to be perfect." I took a deep breath. "You guys are coming with me to get a dress, right?"

"Duh, of course." Natasha said before taking a sip of her water.

"Alright we have the color scheme, we've decided on location-"

"Oh really? Where?" Maria asked.

"Here at the compound, down by the lake." I answered her as I leaned back on the couch.

"That's a nice place."

I hummed in reply. "Colors, location, I have to pick a dress, we haven't decided on cake yet and no honeymoon destination either." I sighed.

"I have a beach house in Spain." Tony said as he walked into the living room.

I raised an eyebrow. "You'd let us borrow it?"

He nodded his head. "Of course. Don't have sex everywhere though."

"Can't promise anything." I chuckled.

He grimaced. "Gross."

I just stuck my tongue out before picking up my notepad to write down what needs to be done.

"Why aren't the grandpas doing some of the planning too?"

I looked back up at him. "I'm guessing they don't have much experience in a modern wedding so I think it's safest if I just take control over this."

"Eh, makes sense." He poured himself a scotch over at the bar.

"So the wedding will be on may 1st and then we'll head to Spain." I wrote it down.

"Spain?" Bucky asked as he, Steve and Sam walked.

"Yup. Tony is letting us borrow his beach house there for our honeymoon." I smiled up at him.

"Really? Thank you, Tony." Steve said gratefully.

"You're welcome, but don't go thinking I'll be generous like this on a regular basis."

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