Part 24

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Readers pov:

Once we had finished the soup I led Steve back into the bedroom and handed him the clothing bag. He opened it and smiled lovingly at me. "You got my army suit too?"

I nodded. "Yup. Put it on, I mean It's the fourth of July, what's more patriotic than Captain America in his army outfit?"

He chuckled. "Can't argue with that." He went into the bathroom to change so I sat down on the edge of the bed to wait for him. Once he walked out my eyes trailed all over him and I stood up and walked over to him to straighten his tie.

"Handsome." I smiled up at him. "Come on, let's go to the rest of the team. Bucky already went there, apparently they are starting the morning with some drinks in the living room." I chuckled, as did he.

We headed to the team and walked in to see them all sitting spread around the couches with some beers. They all looked up at us and Sam whistled. "Damn Y/N, dressed kinda like a grandma, but still hot!" I laughed at his comment as Bucky glared at him.

"Keep away from her, Wilson."

Sam raised his hands in defense. "She's my best friend, I'm just hyping her up."

Steve faked a look of offense. "I thought I was your best friend."

"Y/N bakes and we have made a pact to name our children after each other, so sorry she's my number one."

"We are not naming our child after bird guy." Bucky said sternly.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'll let you and Steve choose the first names."

He glared a little before sighing. "Fine, he can have a middle name, as long as we don't really use it."

I chuckled. "Great."

"As if Sam's ever gonna have a child to name after you anyways..." he mumbled.

"HEY, I heard that!" Sam glared at Bucky.

"Ok ok, you know what, let's calm down." Steve in turn glared at them both.


A few hours later it was time to go outside to grill some dinner. Steve, Bucky and I were still in our 40s outfits but it quickly got a little too hot in them.

I wiped some sweat off my forehead before standing up and throwing my hands into the air. "Nope, can't do this anymore, I'm changing into something else."

Bucky let out a sort of pant before nodding and standing up with me. "Come one Steve, we know you're dying in that suit too."

We headed back to our separate rooms and I changed into some high waisted shorts and a tight black t-shirt and some sneakers. I wiped the makeup off and changed my hair into something a little bit more heat friendly before I walked out of my room. I saw Bucky and Steve standing outside, waiting for me. Steve was wearing a gray t-shirt and some shorts while Bucky was wearing a blue shirt and some swim trunks. I raised an eyebrow at Bucky and looked back down at his choice of pant-wear.

"What? I might go for a swim in the pool, I don't know." he shrugged.

"You didn't have any shorts did you?"

He just shook his head and looked at the floor. I chuckled and walked over to place a kiss on both their cheeks before leading them back outside on the patio. I saw that Tony and Clint had gotten the grill started so I headed over to the couches where I found Wanda, Natasha, Yelena, Maria, Pepper and Laura, Clint's wife who I had just met earlier today, and I sat down between Yelena and Wanda.

Yelena immediately wrapped her arms around me in a hug and I welcomed it with a small chuckle. "I feel like we haven't been spending enough time together." she kept her arm around my shoulder as we both leaned back.

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