Part 37

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I didn't have anything to do the next day so I pretty much just spent it relaxing in front of the tv. The day after went the exact same way until I got a message from Friday telling me the quin jet had landed on the roof. I hurried to the elevator and took it up to meet everyone. I stopped abruptly when I noticed who was with them. I took in a sharp breath as I made eye contact with him.

" guys brought him here?" I almost whispered and they all looked at me with apologising looks.

Andrew was handcuffed with Thor on one side of him and Bucky on the other. I stared angrily at him while Steve walked over to me and cupped my face. He brought my attention over to him and I looked sadly into his eyes.

"It's better if we can watch over and monitor him here rather than the raft." Steve explained and I sighed.

"I guess..."

He smiled a little and kissed my nose before reaching down to touch my stomach but quickly stopped. I looked at him confused and he pulled me into a hug and leaned down to whisper in my ear. "We shouldn't let him know you're pregnant." he pulled back and I nodded in agreement.

Bucky smiled at me as he walked past me, leading Andrew to the elevators to take him to a cell. Andrew also had a smile on his face, however it was sinister and cruel. It made a chill run through my body and I took a step backwards into Steve's chest. Once Andrew was out of sight I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I turned around and placed my hands on Steve's chest and leaned my forehead against him. This time he actually brought his hands down to my stomach and held it gently. He put his head on top of mine before placing a kiss there.

"How are you? How's the babies?"

I chuckled a little. "We don't know if it's twins yet."

He hummed. "I think it is."

"Well, I'm good and the baby's good."

He pulled away a little to look down at my face. "We should probably have that ultrasound soon to find out or it's gonna get confusing pretty quickly."

"I can do the scan now?" Bruce offered from behind Steve and we both turned to look at him with a smile.

"That would be great."


I sat in a bed in the med bay while we waited for Bucky to come. Steve had already changed into some regular pants and a shirt and Bucky said he'd do the same after locking Andrew up. Once Bucky finally came I sat up a little more with a smile on my face.

"Hi, doll." He kissed me before standing next to Steve on the left side of my bed while Bruce was setting up the stuff on my right side. He had placed a monitor with a screen next to him so we could see the scan happening. I was super excited to finally find out if I was right, so much so that I pretty much forgot all about the Andrew situation. Almost.

Bruce placed some cold gel on my stomach and pressed the device against it before slowly moving it around. I kept my focus on the screen as the black images with the white lines moved around.

"Alright, let's check, shall we?" Bruce said and I nodded. He moved the device a little and I could see a small little thing on the screen. "There's a healthy little baby." I held my breath as he moved around a little more. "And...there's another one."

I had the biggest grin covering my face as I excitedly turned to look at Steve and Bucky. They looked so happy as they were watching the screen before turning their attention to me. Bucky cupped the side of my face and gently rubbed his thumb over my cheek.

"Twins." Steve whispered happily.

"Yeah..." Bucky breathed out and it almost looked as if tears were in his eyes.

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