Part 13

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Readers pov:

I slowly opened my eyes and was met with bright light. For a second I thought it was the sunlight shining through my window at the compound, but I quickly realised I was wrong and the reality of where I was hit me. I sat up fast and looked around the small room. I put my feet onto the ground and tried to push myself up, but my head immediately started spinning and I fell back down. I laid there for a few minutes, just staring at the ceiling, when the door was pushed open. I managed to sit up slowly and scooched back to lean against the wall.

"How are you feeling, sweet pea?" Andrew's sickening voice filled my ears.

"Like shit, don't ask as if you don't know." I snarked back.

"Don't be mean to the person who's bringing you food." he put a tray on my bed. There was a bowl of soup, a slice of bread, a cup of water and some pills.

"I'm not eating."

He tsked before sliding the tray closer to me. "I think you know better than to disobey me, Poison."

"Don't call me that."

"It's who you are."

I glared at him. "It's who you made me into."

He shrugged his shoulders. "At least I made you into something." he stepped closer to me. "You were nothing. You should thank me."

"Fuck. you." I spat back.

My head was forced to the right as his palm made contact with my cheek. I brought my hand up to touch the stinging skin that was for sure going to leave a red mark. I slowly looked up at him. His chest was heaving and he looked furious.

"Say 'thank you', poison." he said slowly through clenched teeth.

I stayed silent as my heart started beating faster. I knew what this man could do, I had first hand experience in it.

"SAY 'THANK YOU'!" he yelled angrily, making me jump.

My breathing was fast and shallow and I felt my chest tighten. I mustered up enough energy to mumble a small "thank you."

He took a deep breath before nodding. "That's more like it. Now eat."

I was afraid of what he would do if I didn't listen so I quickly picked up the bowl before bringing the spoon to my mouth. The soup was cold and tasteless, just as expected. It was almost nauseating to consume, but I kept eating as I didn't want to aggravate Andrew.

He kept looking at me as I ate, and I could tell he was pleased with my obedience. Soon enough the bowl was empty and the bread was gone. I didn't want to take the pills, I had no idea what they were for or what they'd do.

"Take the pills." he said as if he knew what i was thinking.

"What kind of pills are they?"

He looked like he was pondering it for a few seconds before answering. "They're good for you."

"That's not what I asked." I said with a small and quiet voice.

He took a step closer and scooched further away. "Take them."

I took a deep breath before picking up the three pills with shaking hands. I put them in my mouth before taking the cup of water to swallow them down. I felt them go down my throat and worry filled my entire body.

Andrew just smiled at me and said, "good job, sweet pea. Rest some more now." and then we walked out and closed the door behind him. I layed down and grabbed the pillow as I curled up and waited for the pills to start working.

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now