Part 33*

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A/N-Pure filthy smut in this one

Readers pov:

The plane landed at an airport in Spain a few hours later and we had loaned a car there to drive to the house we were staying at. Once we got there we quickly put our things inside before they were immediately on me. Bucky picked me up so I would wrap my legs around him before walking with me into the bedroom. I was dropped down onto the bed before he started to drag the dress off of me. Steve sat down on the bed next to me kissed me hard while the dress was discarded onto the floor. Steve pulled away and both of them groaned as they saw the white lace lingerie I was wearing.

I sat up onto my elbows and looked at them seductively. "See something you like?"

"I see something I love." Steve said before bending back down to kiss me.

Bucky placed kisses all over my chest and cleavage and played with the hem of my bra. "This needs to come off though." he smirked against my skin before unclasping the item and dragging it down my arms before throwing it behind him.

Steve pulled back to kiss down my throat. "We can finally mark you again. Make sure everyone knows who you belong to."

I chuckled but it was cut off with a moan once Steve started sucking below my ear. "I think everyone knows now that we are married. Plus it's not like anyone's here."

Bucky softly wrapped his lips around one of my nipples then sucked hard and I let out a small gasp before tangling my hands in his hair. "Gonna fucking worship this body."

Steve dragged one of his hands down my body before sliding his fingers into my panties. "So fucking wet already, princess." he started to crawl down my body until his face was right in front of my centre. He took hold of my panties before dragging them down my legs and threw them onto the floor. Bucky moved up to kiss my neck as Steve took my legs and put them over his shoulders. He gently kissed the insides of my thighs and I tried to buck my hips up but he held them down. "Be patient, doll. Don't worry, we're gonna take care of you."

He finally placed a kiss on my clit before chuckling as I clenched around nothing. "So eager." After looking at my pleading face for a few seconds he licked the bundle of nerves before gently sucking on it. I arched my back in pleasure as he pushed two fingers into my hole while still sucking and licking my aching clit. He pumped his fingers in and out of me while curling them when they were inside. I was already so close when Bucky started to roll my nipple between his fingers while placing kisses on my face. I gripped the hairs on both their heads while grinding myself onto Steve's face, trying to cum.

"Choke me, Bucky..." I whined and he looked at me with wide eyes. "Please, I need it to cum."

He was about to obey and reached his right hand out but I shook my head quickly. "The left one."


"Please! Just choke me, I'm so close!"

He did as I said and wrapped his metal fingers around my throat while making me look into his eyes. "Cum for us." he said and squeezed his hand as I came hard on Steve's face.

Steve helped me through the orgasm by slowing down his motions to a stop. He kissed my thighs and up my stomach before laying on the other side of me. I quickly sat up on my knees and made them both do the same. "Bucky, get behind me."

He smirked before doing so, grabbing my ass once he was behind. I moved Steve to be on his knees in front of me before I unbuttoned his pants, his shirt already being taken off. I instructed Bucky to take off his clothes too before I grabbed his cock behind me, turning my upper body slightly to wink at him before placing him at my entrance. He nudged the head against my hole before gently pushing in, both of us letting out a moan as he did. Once he was fully in I grabbed Steve's cock in front of me and pumped him a few times before sticking out my tongue to lick the head.

"Ahh- Fuck, doll..." he moaned and I took all of him in my mouth while reaching behind me to grip Bucky's thigh and making him move inside of me. He started thrusting into me while simultaneously making me bob my head on Steve's cock.

Steve grabbed my hair with one hand and held it away from my face while I deepthroated him. "Such a good girl, isn't she, Buck?"

Bucky gripped my thighs harder and pushed into me extra hard making me moan around Steve. "The best fucking girl in the world." he groaned. "Taking our cocks like this, can't even understand how you can take us so well in those tight little holes."

"Fuck I'm so close, I'm gonna cum down your throat, sweetheart. Can I?" Steve moaned and I looked up at him, his mouth open and with hooded eyes. I nodded the best I could and he smirked down at me before thrusting a little into my mouth. "Fuck, I'm cumming!"

I felt it go down my throat and I swallowed the best I could and he pulled out. He gently rubbed my tear stained cheeks and bent down to kiss my forehead while Bucky started to slow down. I whined and tried to push back onto him but he just grabbed my thighs to stop me. "We said we were gonna get ya pregnant so we both need to be inside of you for that to happen. We need to wait for Stevie to be ready again." he pulled out before replacing his cock with two of his fingers and started to slowly pump them into me, making me moan quietly. "Now, you haven't taken birth control today, right?"

I shook my head. "No-"

He bent down and kissed my lower back, pumping his fingers even faster and I bit back the urge to scream in pleasure. "Good girl."

I looked back at Steve and he was stroking his hardening cock while looking at me. "Beautiful princess." he said and gripped my chin. Once he was fully hard he made me sit up a little and Bucky slowly removed his fingers. They made me get off the bed and Steve picked me up and immediately pushed his cock into me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. I moaned and felt Bucky start to push into the same hole as well and my head fell forwards onto Steve's shoulder. When they were both in they started to push out and back in and I felt myself almost cum from already being so close and sensitive.

It didn't take long for them to quicken their pace until they were practically slapping into me. They were both groaning as I let out sounds of both whines and moans. Steve reached down to rub my clit while Bucky wrapped his metal hands around my throat again and pushed me back so I was completely against his chest. I shut my eyes tightly as I was about to cum and let out a loud moan. "Yes! Fuck I'm so close, don't fucking stop!"

Steve rubbed even faster than what I thought was possible and I let go while gripping his shoulders so hard I knew he was going to have marks from my nails digging into his skin. I gasped from overstimulation as they kept fucking into me. "It's too much, I don't think I can take any more." I whined and Bucky let go of my throat and kissed my neck and my cheek.

"One more, you can give us one more, doll, and we'll fill you up so good."

I took a shaky breath before nodding and turning my head a little to rest my forehead against the side of Bucky's face. "Please cum in me, fill me up till I'm leaking please-"

Steve moaned before I felt him spill inside of me, Bucky following right behind and doing the same. The feeling of their cum in me sent me over the edge once again and my mouth fell open in a silent moan. I was trying to catch my breath when Bucky pulled out and Steve carried me back to bed and laid me down, placing a pillow under my thighs to keep them elevated. He kissed my forehead before standing back up. "Well be right back, don't worry."

They both walked out of the room but returned quickly after, both having cleaned themselves up and put on boxers. Bucky sat down next to me and gave me a bottle of water and ushered me to drink it. I did so before lying back down and sighing with closed eyes. Steve chuckled before lying down next to me and wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Did we tire you out?"

I sleepily nodded before making Bucky lie down and also wrap his arm around me. They both gently kissed the sides of my head before I started to fall asleep.

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