Part 31*

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A/N-small chapter because I wanted the wedding to be in its own one.

Readers pov:

"Ready for round two?" Bucky smirked as he walked over to me as Steve kissed my forehead and stepped away to let him to me.

I nodded and reached out to grab his neck and pulled him down to kiss me. I heard Steve exit the room, probably to get something to drink if I guessed correctly. Bucky deepened the kiss and made me open my mouth a bit more to glide his tongue against mine. He picked me up and walked with me over to the showers. He reached in to turn on the water before starting to undress himself. He unbuttoned his shirt and pants before removing both clothing items, leaving him in his boxers.

I started to palm him through the fabric and he let out a low groan. I reached inside and grabbed his cock to stroke him. Once he was fully hard I dragged his boxers down and he stepped out of them before leading me into the shower. The water cascaded over our bodies and he pushed me up against one of the walls. He grabbed my ass and squeezed it as he smirked down at me.

"Tomorrow you'll be our wife, you know."

I smiled up at him. "I can't wait."

He bent down to kiss me before pulling away to turn me around. I pressed my palms flat against the wall and pushed my ass out a little. He took a hold of my hips and grounded his cock into me.

"Feel how hard you've got me?"

I nodded while leaning my forehead against the cold tiles. "Please put it in me."

"Who's gonna fuck you?"

"You, sergeant."

He chuckled darkly. "That's right." He started to push into me and I pursed my lips together to keep from moaning. Once he was fully in I let out a sigh and dwelled in the feeling of being full. "How does that feel, doll?"

"So good." I moaned as he started to move. "Faster, please, I need it."

He nodded against the top of my head before speeding up his thrusts. "Gonna fuck you so hard."

His cock slapped into me repeatedly as I moaned loudly. "Yes, don't stop!"

He gripped my thighs even harder before slapping my ass. "Such a good girl." I started to thrust back into him to get him deeper and he chuckled. "Little girl can't get enough of my cock, huh?"

He sneaked a hand down to rub my clit to get me to cum faster, and boy did it work. I was a whimpering mess as he kept fucking into me. "I'm so close, please make me cum, sergeant."

"Cum all over my cock, princess."

I moaned loudly as I came and he thrusted three more times before stopping, spilling his cum into me. I sighed at the feeling and he leaned into me. We stayed like that for a few seconds before he slowly pulled out and turned me around. He kissed me softly before grabbing the shower head to wash us both. Once we were clean we dried off and headed into the bedroom to put on some sleepwear. We sat on the bed together and I laid my head on his shoulder. Steve came into the room with a soft smile and sat on the other side of me and handed me a water bottle.

"You need to hydrate." He said and started to rub circles on my thigh.

I took a few large sips and gave the bottle back to him so he could put it on the bedside table. We sat in comfortable silence for a few seconds before I spoke up. "Tomorrow we'll be married."

Bucky nodded. "We will."

I hummed and smiled. "Mrs. Barnes-Rogers."

"God, I love the sound of that."

"Me too." Steve grabbed my hand to place a kiss on it. "We'll get married, then go on our honeymoon to make some babies."

I chuckled. "That quickly?"

Bucky placed his arm around my shoulder. "We can't wait to get ya pregnant, you know."

"I kinda want that too." I sighed. "What time is it?"

Steve looked over at the bedside clock. "11:58 pm."

I nodded before untangling myself from them and crawled out of bed. "Well I have to go then. I'll see you both at the wedding."

They both smiled at me and Bucky nodded back. "We love you."

"I love you guys too." I said and walked out of the room. I headed into the hallway and to my old room. It was going to be a little hard to fall asleep without them but I would manage. I crawled into my own bed and pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes.

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now