Part 17

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Readers pov:

When I woke up I couldn't help but feel excited for the day, something I hadn't felt in a while. I was quick to get out of bed and get myself ready before walking to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I was preparing some cereal when i felt two arms wrap around my waist. I leaned back against his chest while I poured milk onto the cereal.

"Good morning, doll." Bucky said into my ear, causing me to shiver a little at the roughness of his morning voice.

"Morning, bucky."

"What, I don't get a pet name?"

Steve now walked into the kitchen, "well, i haven't gotten one either if it makes you feel better." he said before walking over and kissing the top of my head. He grabbed the milk carton and put it back in the fridge for me.

"Thank you." I smiled. "And alright, what do you guys want me to call you?"

Bucky put his head in the crook of my neck. "No, we can't ask you to call us something, it has to happen naturally."

I gave a small chuckle. "Fine." I unwrapped Bucky's arms from me and sat down next to Steve to eat my breakfast.

Bucky made some toast before sitting down across from us. "So you guys have any plans today?" he asked.

Steve shrugged his shoulders and put down his coffee mug. "I just have to train some recruits for an hour."

"Well I can't really do much for the next 3 days because apparently I have to 'give my body time to heal' or some bullshit." I said annoyed.

Bucky laughed. "Yeah, believe it or not that's actually really important."

"But I'm a super soldier assassin with powers, I should be up and fighting by now."

"Y/N, you woke up from a coma yesterday." Steve monotoned.

"Exactly, yesterday, and I'm still on bed rest." I groaned.

"Well then how about we all go out for lunch today." Bucky proposed.

"Sounds like a plan." Steve smiled.

"Not like I have any better plans." I glared at my bowl.

I spent the next few hours just walking aimlessly around the hallways. I never realized how boring not fighting could be. I knew Steve was almost done with the recruits so I decided to go to the gym to check up on him. I walked in and stood by the door as he was correcting a guy's stance. He walked around the sparring pairs for a few minutes before clapping his hands together and dismissed them. He grabbed his bag from the floor and walked towards the exit. Once he spotted me standing there a smile spread across his face and I couldn't help but feel all warm inside. I met him halfway and he wrapped his hands around me in a hug.

"Hey princess. Are you ready for lunch?"

I pulled away from him. "Yup, I'm starving."

Steve had to go change in his room first so I headed to the garage to wait for the boys. It didn't take long before they both arrived, laughing together. Bucky greeted me with a kiss on my cheek before getting into the driver seat. I grabbed the handle of the door to get into the backseat when Steve stopped me.

"Nuh uh, I'm not letting you sit in the back." he said and nudged me away.

I chuckled. "Steve, it's fine, just take the passenger."

"Nope." he blocked the door from me. I rolled my eyes and walked around the car to sit in the front.

Once we were out of the garage and driving down the lane to exit the compound premises I laid my head against the window to watch the passing trees.

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