Part 7

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Three days later we were getting ready for another mission. I was suited up and waiting for the team on the roof next to the jet. It wasn't a very complicated mission, it was just about getting info from a hydra database. It didn't require a lot of people, just the once who had spy experience. The team consisted of Natasha, Clint and I, which worked out well for me because I didn't hate them too much. They soon arrived and we got into the jet, and Clint put in the location and we went up into the air.

"So have you planned anything about the whole red room, yelena thing?" I asked Natalia.

"Yelena got out."

"What?" I asked with wide eyes.

"She got out." She repeated.

"How did she get out?"

"I don't know but she did. She sent me something and I need to figure out what it is, and i'm pretty sure she's in budapest"

"Then why aren't you going there to find her?"

"I am. We are."

I nodded. "When?"

"Tomorrow. I have some things to take care of first."

We spent the rest of the ride in silence while I was thinking about what I was told. Yelena got out. She actually got out. But I knew none of us would really be safe if the red room was still up and running, so we were going to take them down. Plus now we had Yelena on our team. After a while we arrived at the database so we put the jet into stealth mode and landed. We got out and made our way to the base. Clint put one of his arrows onto the keypad at the entrance and the door quickly opened.

We made our way in and headed down a hallway when two guards suddenly came at us. I was quick to pull out my katana and stabbed it through one's stomach while Clint hit the other one with an arrow. Once we were sure they were both dead we continued our way to the database. Luckily for us no one else came to attack us as we neared the room we were looking for. We got inside and Natasha quickly got to work on copying the information over onto a USB stick.

After a minute she pulled the stick back out. "Got it." She put it into her pocket before clicking a few buttons on a keyboard.

"Alright everything's erased, let's get out." She said and we made our way out the door. We headed back the way we came from but were quickly stopped when at least twenty more guards stood in front of us, guns raised. I pulled out my katana and quickly put a light blue vial, containing a poison that would clog their airways and suffocate them, into the handle. The first guard ran at us, but was sent to the ground with one of natashas widow bites. The others started to attack us so Clint started to fire arrows, Natasha got out her guns, and I went at them with my blade.

I ran at one and sliced his throat before kicking him to bleed out on the ground. Another one came up from behind me so I spun around and sliced his leg and his stomach. More and more soldiers attacked me, and they all suffered the same faith by lying dead on the ground.

"I thought this was a simple data retrieval mission!" I yelled as my blade pierced another stomach.

"It is!" Clint yelled back as another one of his arrows hit their target.

"Yeah well I'm seeing a lot of blood, and correct me if I'm wrong, that's not really a normal thing when it comes to technology!"

He let out a small chuckle, "can't argue with that, but you should probably get used to it as an avenger."

"I'm not complaining, I've missed killing."

Natasha grunted as she kicked a guard. "That's terrifying, Poison!"

"Yeah yeah, like you don't think the same."

"I don't."

Another person hit the ground in front of me. "Then why do you do this?"

"To keep people safe."

I huffed as I punched a guy. "That's boring."

After a few minutes all that could be seen was bodies upon bodies all across the floor of the room. I wiped the blood off my blade on my thigh before sliding it into the sheath on my back.

"They were idiots for sending so many people and for thinking they would actually win against us. Underestimation truly is a dangerous weakness."

"It is."

We made our way back to the jet and once again Clint put in the destination, although this time it was the compound Coordinates . I sat down and let out a sigh before closing my eyes and leaning my head back.

"You okay?" Clint questioned as he sat down next to Natasha, across from me.

I simply nodded before letting my mind drift into my own thoughts. Being an avenger was starting to stress me out. They all kept trying to be friendly while I tried to stay closed off. My walls were there for a reason, and I planned on having them stay there. Steve and James were especially trying to get to know me, and a small part of me wanted them to. At this point I'm not even sure if it would be easier to stay on my own or let them in. I could try to get to know them a little while still keeping myself closed off, but right now I didn't have to think about that, because I was going with Natasha to find Yelena tomorrow.

I was looking forward to finally seeing my friend again after many years, and I was hoping she would be happy to see me. God, Yelena is the only person in the world I truly care about at this point. She was what was closest to my family now, and I was going to do anything to make sure she's safe.

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