The end.

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I could barely remember what happened or how I got back to my room. I was sitting next to the bed with my arms holding my legs up to my chest. My breathing was fast and I could feel myself almost rocking back and forwards as I looked at the blood splatter that was covering me.

A few minutes earlier

I was standing outside Andrew's cell while he was sleeping. The team was right behind me as I stared at him. It only took a few seconds for him to wake up and once he did he looked at us confused.

"Wanda," I started, still keeping my gaze on Andrew. "Read his mind."

I could hear her take a deep breath before red wisps went into his head. After a few seconds the wisps disappeared and Wanda looked at me with sad eyes. I took a deep breath and looked down at the floor as I realised what she was trying to tell me. My eyes lit up in white light as I looked back up at andrew. I glared at him before using my powers to break the glass with a yell. He looked at me with wide eyes as I stepped over the broken glass and walked over to him.

"You killed my brother..."

He scoffed a little. "Was that so hard to realise?"

I gripped his neck and threw him down onto the floor. "YOU KILLED MY FUCKING BROTHER!"

I could see him swallow as I stood over him. I took the knife I had in my pocket out and flashed it to him. "Works the same as my blade. Just as poisonous."

He took a shaky breath. "Y/N-"

I didn't let him finish before I kicked him and he groaned. I got down on my knees and threw a punch to his face. I kept punching and punching as blood poured out of his nose and wounds. Once I was sick of doing that I straddled his waist before gripping my knife tightly and stabbing it down into his chest. His eyes were hooded but full of fear as the most painful poison I had started to run through his veins. I looked at him but figured that wasn't enough as I started to repeatedly stab him. Blood splattered all over my face, chest and arms but I didn't stop.

I was completely blacked out at this point as all I could do was inflict harm on this man who had done so much damage to me before. I couldn't hear everyone yelling at me to stop and that he was already dead. It wasn't until Bucky grabbed me and dragged me off of Andrew and into his arms that I realised what was happening. He held me into his chest as I yelled out in anger and tried to get away. He kept holding me tightly and whispering "it's ok" and "I've got you". I started to calm down enough and he let up his grip a little and I pushed him away and ran through everyone and got into the elevator. I used my powers to push the door closed before anyone else could follow me and I headed up to my room.

I ran inside and sat down next to the bed. I looked down at my arms and chest and saw blood covering me. I tried to catch my breath as warm tears ran down my face. I placed my hands on my stomach as I cried.

"I'm sorry, babies." I sniffled. "I'm so sorry your mommy is like this."

Both Steve and Bucky stormed into our bedroom and found me on the floor, crying. They looked at me sadly before Steve helped me up. He gently caressed my face before leading me into the bathroom. They didn't say anything as they undressed me and made me sit in the empty bathtub. Steve grabbed the showerhead that was connected to the tub and ran the water until it was warm. Once it was he moved the stream over me and let the water flow down my body. I watched as the blood washed off of me and went down the drain. I looked at them with tears in my eyes and Bucky softly kissed the top of my head.

"It's gonna be ok."

I took a shaky breath. "The babies shouldn't have a mom like this."

They both looked at me with hurt in their eyes and Steve turned off the water as all the blood was gone. He put away the showerhead and cupped my face. "The babies are going to have the most wonderful mom in the world, believe me."

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now