Part 16

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Readers pov:

I breathed in through my nose. "I like you. ...but I also like Bucky."

Steve chuckled a little. "Good."

I looked at him confused. "Good?"

"Yeah, good." I heard from behind me and turned around as Steve removed his hands from my waist. Bucky was leaning against the wall next to the door with a smirk on his face. He pushed himself off the wall and walked towards me. My eyes were wide open as he stood in front of me. He looked down at me before placing a hand on my waist, where Steve's hands had previously been. He brought his other hand up to cup my cheek and he pulled my face towards his, and his lips met mine in a soft kiss. I placed my hands on his chest as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss.

I pulled away fast and took a step back and looked at both of them. "Ok, what the hell is going on?"

They both smiled and Bucky took a step towards me. "We like you too, doll."

I exhaled fast. "Wow."

"That's your reaction? Wow?"

I cleared my throat. "So what are we gonna do?"

Steve stepped forwards, now standing next to bucky. "Well, we were hoping you'd date both of us."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Both of you? At the same time?"

"Yup." Bucky said and put his hands in his pockets.

"So I'd date both of you and you two would be...what?"

"Friends." Steve finished. "We'd still be best pals and you would be our girlfriend."

I smirked a little. "Well you'd have to ask me first."

They both chuckled and Bucky grabbed my waist to pull me into him again, while Steve grabbed my waist from behind and put his face in the crook of my neck before placing a light kiss there. I turned my body a little so they were more on the sides of me and I alternated between looking at them.

Steve smiled, "Y/N, would you be our girlfriend?"

"Please?" Bucky added, with an adorable expression.

I smiled at them both. "I would love to."

Steve grabbed my neck with one hand and kissed me while turning me to face him. Bucky then wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed the top of my head. I pulled back from Steve and let out a breath.

"I'm happy." I said, surprising myself a little.

"Oh believe me princess, us too." Bucky said into my hair.

I stepped out of their embrace and clapped my hands together. "Well. Bye." I started to head for the door.

"Hey hey, where do you think you're going?" Steve called after me.

I turned around while still walking, just now backwards. "To give Nat and Yelena some money, I just lost a bet."

"I thought the bet was about marrying us?" he smirked.

I stopped completely. "How'd you know about that?"

"They told us."

"Huh. well anyways, we made another one about me dating you both, so." I quickly did some awkward finger guns at them before walking out of the gym, hearing them laugh a little. I quickly asked Friday where the girls were and walked down the hallways. After a quick stop at my room I got to the bar in the living room and sighed loudly. Wanda, Yelena and Natasha, who were sitting on the bar stools, turned around to look at me.

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