Part 26

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Steve's pov:

I walked back into the compound angrily. No way in hell would I let Tony just get away with hurting Y/N like that. I could hear Bucky walking behind me as I headed to the lab where I knew I would find Stark. I barged in to find most of the team already there.

"What the hell, Tony?!" I yelled.

He looked up at me with an apologetic expression. "Steve, I-"

"No, don't even try. Why the fuck would'nt you tell her?! Her brother dies and you think that keeping that piece of information from her is a good idea?"

He sighed. "I should've told her, I know that-"

"Damn right you should've told her!"

He just nodded a little sadly. "Where is she?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "No idea."

Wanda furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"She left. Said to not follow her and that she didn't know when or if she'd be back."

"Are you serious?" Natasha asked with wide eyes. "Why didn't you stop her?"

"She didn't want us to. Not like we'd have much luck in doing so anyways." Bucky said in a monotonic voice.

"So what, we're just going to accept that she's gone now? Hell no, we have to find her!" Yelena said exasperatedly.

"I agree, but she needs some time to herself right now."

"I can track her car?" Tony suggested and I glared a little at him. "Rogers, I said I was sorry. I can't take back the fact that I didn't tell her but I still want to help."

I sighed and looked down. "Fine, you're right. Track her car."


Readers pov:

I had been driving for about 4 hours now, taking random left and right turns. I was really starting to regret my decision to leave but I was too proud to turn around. I had some queen songs playing through the car that I sang along with. I loved road trips when I was younger. Me and my brother in the back with our parents in the front, listening to music together, playing fun road games and eating a bunch of snacks.

My brother and I were both adopted, me when I was four and him when I was six and he was nine. Even though none of us were biologically related it was still my family and I loved them. Our mom ended up getting cancer and passed away when I was nineteen and dad didn't take the loss well and started drinking, but he was still just as caring as always. A year later he drank a bit too much and got in a fight that ended his life.

My brother and I still stayed close but two years ago he disappeared. I tried to find him but when I started to eliminate everyone who had something to do with the program I figured it was best if he stayed away, so as to not get involved.

As I was looking at the landscapes I was driving by I started to think about the argument with Tony. It wasn't fair to take out all my anger on him, he didn't kill my brother. I just felt so disgusted that I had walked around for days, being all excited for the fourth of July while my brother was dead. He was gone and I didn't even know. It wasn't Tony's fault that he died but he chose to not tell me and that hurt. It was like the trust I had built with him over the last months just shattered.

I also realized I had insinuated to Steve and Bucky that I might not come back, and I regretted that so much. Of course I was going to come back, I loved them and the team too much to stay away. But maybe some time away could be good. Some time for me to grief and cope. I grabbed my phone while still keeping my eyes on the road and tried to turn it on. No battery. Great. Just what i needed. I had a charging outlet in my car but no charger so I drove to a gas station 20 minutes away to purchase one. The guy behind the register looked me up and down and I couldn't tell if he was checking me out or if he recognized me as the new avenger.

It looked like he shook the thought away before ringing me up and I paid before heading back out to the car. I started to charge my phone while I turned the music back up.


Bucky's pov:

Four weeks. A month. Thats how long it has been since we had seen Y/N. We knew where she was, Tony had spotted her on several security cameras around New York and Pennsylvania, but she still hadn't reached out. We had all decided to give her space but I was starting to become restless. I missed my girl and so did Steve, but there wasn't much we could do. We were sitting on the living room couch with both our phones in front of us, contemplating on calling her.

"We should probably check up on her right? I mean, she's our girlfriend, what if she's thinking that we don't care about her or something." I reasoned with my best friend.

"Yeah, maybe she wants us to reach out."

I threw my hands up before dropping them quickly. "You know what, I'm calling her." I grabbed my phone before finding the contact name 'my doll' and hit the call button. We were both sitting there nervously as we heard the phone ringing. After four rings the line clicked and we saw that she had picked up. We made wide eyes at each other as we silently argued about what to say.

"Hello?" we heard her say through the phone speakers. God, just hearing her voice again was the biggest relief I could imagine. Only thing that would be better was having her here.

"Hey, doll." I said with a smile.

"Hi, Bucky." she said softly.

"Steves here too." I informed her.

"Hey there, princess." Steve spoke into the phone. "How are you?"

"I'm uh- I'm good."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You don't sound like you're good."

"I'm fine. I just wasn't really expecting you guys to call."

I sighed. "I'm sorry we haven't reached out earlier, we just wanted to give you some space."

"And I really appreciate that. Some space has done me good. I feel more ok now." I could hear her take a deep breath. "How's Tony doing?"

"He's good. I mean he feels awful and pretty much mopes everyday because of his fuck up but hes good. He's missing you though, so is the rest of the team."

She let out a small chuckle. "What about you guys?"

"We're missing you more than anything." Steve said.

She let out a bigger chuckle before speaking. "Thank you, but I mean how are you guys doing?"

"Not great." I pursed my lips. "I mean all in all we're fine, but without you here something is just constantly missing."

"I love you guys."

Both Steve and I smiled at that before I spoke up. "We love you too."

"So much.'' Steve added. "Do you think you'll be back soon?"

Y/N clicked her tongue. "I don't know. I think so, I mean I'm not totally sure where I even am."

"Allentown." I answered without thinking.

She stayed silent for a bit. "How do you know that?"

I silently groaned as I scrunched up my face in regret. "Lucky guess?"

"Bucky." she said sternly.

"Fine. We have been keeping tabs on you to make sure you're alright."

She let out a sound, almost like a scoff. "You've been tracking me?"

I laid my forehead on my palm. "Pretty much, yes."

She let out a breath. "Thank you guys for caring so much."

I raised my head and stared at the phone. "Wait, you forgive us? And also just an FYI it was Tony who actually did the tracking."

She chuckled. "I figured, and yes I forgive you. In all honesty I probably would've done the same."

I let out a deep breath. "Thank god."

She cleared her throat. "Well I should get going now. I'll be back soon, I promise."

"We're holding you to that. Bye."

"Bye, princess." Steve smiled at the phone.

"Bye, my loves." and then she hung up.

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