Part 15

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Readers pov:

As much as I tried, I couldn't open my eyes. I kept hearing a constant and steady beeping that sounded like a heart monitor. I couldn't move my body, all I could do was think. I was locked inside of my own mind and I was terrified. That is until I felt someone grab my hand and the voice of Bucky Barnes filled my ears.

"Hey princess, It's just me today. Steve had to go on a mission, but trust me he wanted to be here." he chuckled. I felt so safe while listening to him speak. "So nothing new has happened the last week, as I told you yesterday." I don't remember him talking to me yesterday.

"We aren't sure if you can even hear us but it kinda helps us to think you do. It's comforting to believe that you know how much we care about you." If I could make my face smile I would do that right now.

"Steve and I especially want you to wake up, of course everyone else too, but we have some things to tell you and talk about, doll." he placed a soft kiss on my hand. "So I would appreciate you doing that, I also really want to see your beautiful eyes."

He sighed. "Can you give me any hint that you can hear me?" I tried my hardest to squeeze his hand but nothing happened. It was like my brain didn't want to listen to me. "I'll leave you alone for now." Please don't go. He kissed my forehead and I heard him walk out.

The next day I woke up in my own head and heard Steve hum a song and I heard a pencil scribble on some paper too.

"I don't know how you feel about me drawing you, doll, but I really hope you don't mind. Even lying in a hospital bed you manage to look gorgeous." I could practically hear him smiling. "Buck should be here in a few minutes, he's just getting some food."

The next three days the same things happened. Everyone would visit me and just talk, but I couldn't say anything back. At this point I had of course figured out that I was in a coma, but even knowing that I still couldn't make myself move. Steve was holding my hand while he and Bucky were having a conversation. I didn't pay a lot of attention as all I was trying to do was make my hand move. I was getting bored and just kept trying without thinking, so I didn't notice that the boys had stopped talking.

"What?" I heard Bucky ask.

Steve waited for a few seconds before it happened again. "SHIT!"

Once again Bucky asked, "what?"

"She just squeezed my hand!"

After hearing that I suddenly paid attention and tried to squeeze his hand again. It worked! I could feel my fingers moving and I tried to open my eyes slowly. After a few tries I managed to pry my eyes open and I blinked fast as a bright light shone in my eyes. It took a few moments before my eyes got used to the light and I looked around the room. Steve was still holding my hand while Bucky had his hand on my shoulder.

"Y/N, can you hear us?" Steve said with a smile. I nodded carefully before coughing. I used my free hand to remove the tube that was in my nose before leaning my head back.

"Hey guys..." I groaned. "What happened?"

Bucky sat down on the side of my bed while rubbing circles on my shoulder. "You died. The poison killed you and you were dead for about 3 hours. We got the antidote in you once we got back to the compound but it didn't work so Wanda did some magic things and Thor hit you with lighting."

I gave a small chuckle. "Kind of ironic that I died of poisoning."

"Yeah, a little." he gave a chuckle back. "Could you hear us? While you were unconscious?"

I nodded. "Well after about a week, if what I heard was correct that is. So what was it you guy-"

I was interrupted by Bruce, Tony and Wanda entering the room. Bruce quickly walked over to me and checked my vitals. Both Bucky and Steve stepped back so Wanda and Tony could come over.

Poison blade || S. Rogers x Reader x B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now