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Whenever I look at you, the chemicals collide inside me.

Whenever I look at you, the chemicals collide inside me

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Everything looked black. As if someone had turned off the whole world's light.

The young girl fought against the ability to see something. How could see suddenly turn blind? What was happening??

As she started thinking about it, she felt a wild migrane run inside her head, almost making her incapable of thinking something at that time.

But she still did, recalling each and every moment of today. She wanted to hold her head, wanting to massage the pain away but she could hardly feel her hands.

When she tugged forward, she realised she was seated on a chair, tied with ropes. Her entire body was in pain, as if she just returned from a big fight with someone where she used her physical energy, but nonetheless she couldn't feel more, as if her body had been drugged.

Thinking of this her whole mind went numb, a chill shiver ran down her spine. Why would someone kidnap her like this?

Even if her head felt as if it would burst any second, she still strated recalling each and every incident in detail.

She went to buy her snacks as the ones in her home had finished.

She was wearing her sweatshirt and shorts. Her hair was tied into a messy bun. She didn't care about anything at that moment. Only her snacks or else she might go crazy.

Entering inside the store she found her favourite snacks and took some packets. With that she went to the cashier to pay for it.

Handing the exact amount she strode out of the store. Thinking the way was too long she took a shortcut.

Yes the shortcut!!!

It wasn't that long, but still had to take a whole circle to reach there, and it was night and no one was there so she thought it might be long, then thought of taking the other way which was a bit shorter.

She was walking quitely, concentrating on the road ahead, When she heard someone's loud shrill cry. She was astonished for a moment and thought that someone might have got into an accident or something so she ran to that place.

Yes there she saw a women who had her eyes closed and looked as if she had already died. The sight was horrific, the lady had a knife stabbed inside her abdomen, and blood was gushing out at a great speed.

She also saw a man standing there, although his face was concealed with a mask, she could still tell he was smirking looking at the dead women.

A sudden siren buzzing inside her mind, giving her a shout from inside she dug herself into a grave problem.

And because of this she thought she could escape, so she ran with all her might. But the next moment everything fell into slow motion, she fell down, she felt a sting near her neck and that's when everything went blank.

Thinking of this, she panicked. Is she a fool to follow those voices. So does it mean she witnessed something terrifying, that's why they kidnapped her.

What should she do now??? Are they going to kill her the same way they did with the lady.

Her breathe became raged, she gasped for oxygen. Due to her excitement her asthma was triggered.

At this moment of life she hated everything, each and every step she took in this life led to this.

She constantly tried to inhale the air through her nose and mouth, but suddenly she felt the air was restricted. She was hyperventilating.

"This chick has asthma." A voice echoed. It was laughing at her thinking she was so pathetic.

She heard the sound of footsteps, drawing closer to her. She was more panicked.

The young girl was ready to make a shout, since realising only her eyes were blindfolded. Her mouth was free.

But she was stopped as she felt the mouth of her inhaler near her mouth. Her earlier panicked self calmed down a bit, she inhaled it as much as she could.

She herself was disgusted by herself. How can she fall into such situation. Fucking pathetic.

As her current asthma was calmed, she sat Thier thinking, where she was. Maybe she should open her mouth and ask them.

"Since you are done, I have to go!" With that the footsteps drew farer and farer, lastly fading away, with the slamming of the door.

What should she do now??

She tugged forward more, but felt a sudden pain, as if thousands of kicks and punches were showered on her. She didn't feel like this the first time, she wanted to stand up but now why?? Feels like the effect of the drug on her body is fading away.

Suddenly a thought ran across her mind. She froze.

Wanting to check herself if her clothes were alright. Who knows what might they do?? They are mens, as well as criminals. Criminals might be a sex addict. She was scared thinking about this.

She wanted to open her mouth, she felt her throat dry. As if someone has rubbed sand on it.

Just as she thought she could make a sound to attract attention and ask water, she heard noises.

Loud noises, looks like someone had broke in. She prayed, let it be her saviour. The police.

The noises were getting louder and louder. Soon she heard the sound of a gunshot. Her whole frame trembled, frightened.

Suddenly the outside noises stopped. A sickening silence. If a pin dropped, even that sound could be heard.

What happened??? What the fuck happened?? Did they all die?? Then what will happen to her??

"No!" She herself was startled by her own voice. She didn't mean to say it loud, it just came out.

Not long after that the door was burst open. With several footsteps, she guessed many people came in.

Her heartbeat quickened, please she doesn't want to die here.

She felt a hand on her wrist that was tied to the chair on the rope, she internally screamed, before she could scream outwardly, she yet again felt a sting on her neck.

Sweat dripped down her forehead and palms and finally she lost her consciousness.

Sweat dripped down her forehead and palms and finally she lost her consciousness

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