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The worst feeling I ever had is when I don't find you near me.

Weiwei was sat on her bed with a solemn expression. Renjun was out digging out some of the rival gang's information.

Her left leg was constantly bouncing, because of how nervous she was. Her hands already balled up in fist. She was also biting her bottom lips, a habit of her whenever she was in deep thoughts.

From her posture anyone could say she was tensed. Exactly what was she tensed about??

It was always about Haechan now a days.

Because Weiwei thinks Haechan is possessed. He isn't normal anymore. Before whenever they met, they would always fight in normal situation, but now, he simply avoids her as if she is a plague.

Even if Weiwei tried to converse, he would brush it off and go away, not giving her a chance to ask what was the problem.

The last time she had a good chat with him was at the rooftop, when she hugged him and said he was her gaurdian angel.

3 consecutive days have passed and it was eating her up, not able to talk with him.

She hadn't realised it yet, but now as she thinks, she fells lonely without him.

There was surely something that was making her feel so enchanted. She was falling way too deeper and way too fast for him.

Was it even healthy to go this fast??

It had been only 2 months since she came here, and she had already fallen so hard. Would she look like a fool if she shares her feeling with someone.

Different questions had corrupted her mind. Why was he not talking with her, like he did usually? Why was he ignoring her? Did she made a mistake? Why?

She was very anxious, even if she had feelings, she was okay with him. Because he was there, although bickering at least she had a peace in mind.

But now, nothing is same... Not talking with him, everytime seeing him looking at her and leaving the place, made her feel terrible.

Should she go talk with him?

Weiwei heaved a frustrating sigh. Her hands moving from her lap to her side, clasping the bedsheets under her hold.

"Like why?? Did I do something wrong? Why would you suddenly behave like that Haechan? You're making me fucking crazy!!" Weiwei muttered as she got up from the bed, ready to go out and interogate him.

She was confident she would clear the misunderstanding but when she saw Haechan, she  forgot everything.

Haechan was leaning on the wall, panting heavily, as if he came back from a heavy job. He was still in shorts, maybe he came from the gym.

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